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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Does it seem like lately this season the action has been kind of missing? There's a lot of character stories just not much action I guess is what i'm trying to say
Quick someone give me a synopsis of the episode (no I dont want to read the damnwebsite)
  Strangely I can't get Space channel for viewing  ??? - slackers all I tell ya  ;)
Infidel-6 said:
Quick someone give me a synopsis of the episode (no I dont want to read the damnwebsite)
  Strangely I can't get Space channel for viewing  ??? - slackers all I tell ya  ;)

pm inbound... to prevent spoilers
It looks to me like they are trying to develop the characters this season but they have yet to create any that you really feel sympathy for.  Last nights episode seemed to be an attempt at eliciting an emotional response but I just couldn't connect with the character.

I am, however, starting to envy Baltar everytime they show that scene with him in bed with the two cylons.  ;D
rmacqueen said:
I am, however, starting to envy Baltar everytime they show that scene with him in bed with the two cylons.  ;D
He always was a player.
...I'd sleep with cylons if they looked like that! lol
Shamrock said:
If they looked like Baltar?

especially if they looked like baltar....

I think Kat.. might be cylon.. she did take WAY too much
radiation than others... and was possibly implicated to
sneaking in people to the planets (smuggler) which in which
cylons may have some of them.
       With what happened to Kat in the last episode I wonder if Starbuck will get her mug back ?
karl28 said:
        With what happened to Kat in the last episode I wonder if Starbuck will get her mug back ?
I would think...  it automatically becomes hers.
rmacqueen said:
It looks to me like they are trying to develop the characters this season but they have yet to create any that you really feel sympathy for.  Last nights episode seemed to be an attempt at eliciting an emotional response but I just couldn't connect with the character.

I am, however, starting to envy Baltar everytime they show that scene with him in bed with the two cylons.   ;D
And Who wouldn't ??   Maybe if you're a eunuch. Notice that the hawt cylons are non americans???  Go Alberta!!!
Mind you, what would a cylon ( a bunch of androids!) need with sex and sleep?
Just one of those little nuances in life. ::)
[/qoute]I think Kat.. might be cylon.. she did take WAY too much
radiation than others... and was possibly implicated to
sneaking in people to the planets (smuggler) which in which
cylons may have some of them.
Hmm, good point there padre.  You found one of the so far unnamed 5,
Ok, so Kat is in the med bay completely laid up with radiation sickness.  The Admiral promotes her to CAG with Apollo looking on; that's a slap in the face for Lee  (who is now just a squadron commmander), who's just about covered all high rank postions possible.  :blotto:
BYT Driver said:
Ok, so Kat is in the med bay completely laid up with radiation sickness.  The Admiral promotes her to CAG with Apollo looking on; that's a slap in the face for Lee  (who is now just a squadron commmander), who's just about covered all high rank postions possible.  :blotto:

I don't think she's "laid up"

My impression is she's dead. 
She said herself...  I'm not getting out of here sir... so that's one hint

Usually when a tv show/movie has someone that is terminally ill or in hospital and
its like a fade away, or in this case..  the symbolic promotion of her to CAG... 

she's going to die.. they just didn't show it and I think it's fairly safe to assume she's dead.
OIC, thanks Trinity,  :o the plating around my head is just a little thick right now.
So, will Apollo get his CAGs job back?
No, Thrace posted her picture on the wall of remembering or whatever it's called. She's gone.

Trinity  or they could do something sappy like burying the mug with Kat.   I hope they don't  but you never know ?
   BYT Driver       I',m  pretty sure that Apollo will get his CAG back it was more of a symbolic promotion for what was happening to KAT .         
          Hey I am just wondering cause I have missed most of the third season is Apollo still Commander ? or did he get demoted after losing the Pegasus .     I think in the last episode  he was still wearing Commander pips but wasn't sure they where quick looks .
Apollo was being referred to as Major for this episode. No Pegasus, no need for that battlefield promotion. A question I have is will Col Tigh get his XO post back if he continues his return to being a normal human being? Also, what happened to the Pegasus crew? Didn't Apollo leave her fighters back with the fleet before she joined the Galactica and didn't her crew jump back in Raptors before the end? Surely some of that crew could be put to work on Galactica.
  Sigpig  thanks for the heads up on Apollo .  Its a good question to what happened to the  Pegasus crew . I always wondered what happened to the original CAG of Pegasus  before starbuck took his job ?      With Col Tigh I think he is back as XO cause  Helo was listed in the end of Sat episode as a pilot on the list where  Adama made Kat  the new CAG and I think Helo was the XO of Galactica during the resistance movement but  not sure on that one .