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Australian Federal Parliament: Burqua Ban Bill Introduced


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Its happening in Europe, but will it happen here (or in Canada for that matter)?


CHRISTIAN Democratic Party MP Fred Nile has succeeded in introducing a bill to ban the wearing of the burqa in the NSW Upper House.

Mr Nile introduced his private member's bill, seeking to ban the wearing of the burqa and other face veils in public, shortly after 8pm (AEST) yesterday.

Last month, a debate on the same bill was voted down by the NSW Upper House.

Greens MP John Kaye said only the four Greens MPs and Family First MP Gordon Moyes voted against introducing the bill yesterday.

"Last month the Coalition and the Government did the right thing and said no, they would not allow the Upper House to be home to this kind of racist dog whistling," Mr Kaye said yesterday. "This time they caved in."

Mr Kaye said Mr Nile's bill has opened the door to a "dangerous and divisive attack on one of NSW's communities".

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"Letting loose the ugly bigotry that lies behind this bill will only encourage hostility to the Muslim community," he said.

"While no woman should be forced to wear a burqa or any other form of clothing, this absurd bill will do nothing to enhance the rights of women."

Mr Nile has denied the bill is racist, saying his concern lay with issues of security and women's rights.

The bill has been adjourned until September 2010.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/burqa-ban-bill-introduced/story-e6frfku0-1225883003927#ixzz0smi6PRAH
Carcharodon Carcharias said:
Its happening in Europe, but will it happen here (or in Canada for that matter)?


Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/burqa-ban-bill-introduced/story-e6frfku0-1225883003927#ixzz0smi6PRAH

I like this one better, especially that part about Israel.

Aussie Muslims told to 'shun democracy'

LEADERS of the global Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir have called on Australian Muslims to spurn secular democracy and Western notions of moderate Islam and join the struggle for a transnational Islamic state.

British Hizb ut-Tahrir leader Burhan Hanif told participants at a conference in western Sydney yesterday that democracy is "haram" (forbidden) for Muslims, whose political engagement should be be based purely on Islamic law.

"We must adhere to Islam and Islam alone," Mr Hanif told about 500 participants attending the convention in Lidcombe.

"We should not be conned or succumb to the disingenuous and flawed narrative that the only way to engage politically is through the secular democratic process. It is prohibited and haram."

He said democracy was incompatible with Islam because the Koran insisted Allah was the sole lawmaker, and Muslim political involvement could not be based on "secular and erroneous concepts such as democracy and freedom".

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His view was echoed by an Australian HT official, Wassim Dourehi, who told the conference Muslims should not support "any kafir (non-believer) political party", because humans have no right to make laws.

Mr Dourehi also urged Muslims to spurn the concept of moderate Islam promoted by governments in the West, including in "this godforsaken country" of Australia.

"We need to reject this new secular version of Islam," he said. "It is a perverted concoction of Western governments.

"It is a perversion that seeks to wipe away the political aspects of Islam and localise our concerns. We must reject it and challenge the proponents of this aberration of Islam."

The conference, which followed the theme The struggle for Islam in the West' was the first major event held by the Australian branch of HT since a seminar in 2007 which coincided with calls for the group to be banned.

HT is outlawed in much of the Middle East but operates legally in more than 40 countries, campaigning for the establishment of a caliphate or Islamic state.

HT's platform rejects the use of violence in its quest for an Islamic state, but supports the military destruction of Israel.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/islamist-leader-burhan-hanif-tells-aussie-muslims-told-to-shun-democracy/story-e6frfkvr-1225887784755#ixzz0smvji53Y
