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Ok, i did my medical today and all it did was get me paranoid and mad at the walk-in doctor.

In June/06 i stated i was miss diagnosed (99.9% sure) of asthma because of two previous lung infections and had the same symptoms (good ol' smoking). Anyways i stated this because i thought they would look into my medical files anyways and told them i was very sure i was mis-diagnosed but still have to get the forums filled out by a doctor and now i have to wait longer.

I'm going to wait as long as it takes way i see it more time to get fit for infantry. I just hate the walk-in doctors because he made me go to the e.r and it made it sound like i was having a asthma attack. The hospital i went to just gives you meds and leave not really caring or doing much testing.(was left their for 2hours and had to turn off machine myself and leave)

I am more then fit to do the job and i also admitted to wearing a knee brace but i don't actually need it but on long situations i prefer wearing it because i get mild soreness after long runs nothing to make me immobile.(Gotta get note for that to)

Sorry if I'm being paranoid but just looking for some info or common situations... so i can at least know or feel i can get in.

P.S. Finished Interview and Aptitude today aswell.... all went well their. :)

That's rough, I'm sure having smoker's lungs could pass for having asthma.

Best of luck.
No offense but...

You have a history of lung infection, you have a knee brace, and you expect the CF to take you at your word that you are all ok?

You didn't wait for results from the hospital and just walked out? 

The medical staff are doing their job in wanting to investigate further.  Don't be mad at them. Suck it up.
No the doctors their left me in the room for 2 hours when it was only susposed to be 10-15min of the medication so i had to turn off the machine myself and leave... think you just misunderstood and im not trying to complain. + i had exams to right and was late because of it.
Sorry, I don't know anyone with asthma, but I have a good friend with horrible knees, and he wore knee braces from grades 7 to 10. His lifelong dream was to be at RMC, so he exercised as best he could, and went through a frustrating year this past year (especially with the family doctor) in trying to get into RMC.

As of now, he passed IAP this August, and was picked as the leader of his group in the obstacle course at RMC a few weeks ago. He even broke his arm carrying a telephone pole with a bunch of cadets, and still did well on the obstacle course.

I think most people's advice, like mine, is just to stick through it and make sure that you get the medical documents that the recruiters need.

Looking at this posting, I had a question come up in mind... are CF members allowed to smoke? If so, is it common for people in the CF to smoke? (Sorry, a weird question, but I'm curious).

Elwood said:
Looking at this posting, I had a question come up in mind... are CF members allowed to smoke? If so, is it common for people in the CF to smoke? (Sorry, a weird question, but I'm curious).
As far as I know, yes.
gnome123 said:
No the doctors their left me in the room for 2 hours when it was only susposed to be 10-15min of the medication

And they probably left you hooked up because your SAT's weren't high enough.  Believe it or not, Docs know what they're doing.

As for the smoking, yes it's allowed.  There will be designated areas where you are able to smoke.  At least on base.  Not sure what the regs are for ground-pounders in theatre, but given I'm Navy, that's probably not a stunner.  :)  My advice?  Quit.  It's not that hard.  It's just a matter of personal discipline. 

Elwood said:
Looking at this posting, I had a question come up in mind... are CF members allowed to smoke? If so, is it common for people in the CF to smoke? (Sorry, a weird question, but I'm curious).

Are you serious?  Not only do many CF members smoke, but they all smoke the same brand: Canadian Classic.  Might be an inside thing; all I know is what I've seen.
Note to Elwood: sorry if I offended you, but I thought you might like this quirky observation.
exsemjingo said:
Are you serious?  Not only do many CF members smoke, but they all smoke the same brand: Canadian Special Blend.  Might be an inside thing; all I know is what I've seen.

Sorry for asking. Kind of echoes your offensive statements on the "Dreams" forum a month back.  >:(
Torlyn said:
And they probably left you hooked up because your SAT's weren't high enough.  Believe it or not, Docs know what they're doing.

Did you read the rest and no my sat's are fine they didn't even check. I'm not trying to get in an argument because you didn't read what I'm trying to say or taking it the wrong way lets just leave it.... please.
Alrighty gnome123, first of all your situation isnt hopelesss because there have been many people on these forums who have been in your shoes (me) and many of those people have gone on to become members of the CF. Also telling other people you dont want their advice after indirectly asking for it is also not so much of a good idea here.

So from what you've posted it seems you are still in the process of finishing you application. What i suggest is , you go to your GP (general physcian) and ask them to refer you to a respiroligist to have a Methacoline Test and a PFT (Pulmonary Functions Test) done. These two tests will let you know how major or minor your asthma is, and or even if you have asthma at all. Then you take those results to the Medical Test and give them to the medical officer doing your test. It is important that you get them these results before your application is finished and sent for reivew, so you dont have to wait a year before you can have another chance at applying. Most likley the MO (medical officer) will give you a form that has to be filled out by your GP in regards to your asthma anyhow, so bring both the form and results back to them .

It took me three years to get into the military and I also had a very similar situation.  If it helps you 6 of 6 people who had an asthma related issue on these forumns are all now in the military and doing well, but again this is just a statistic it doesnt garuntee anything. The medical officers just want to ensure that if you are enrolled that you wont become a liability to them or your immediate unit for that matter.

Dont give up and try to stay focused on what you have to do.

- PM me if any further questions.

Yea... Im still sure i dont have asthma but won't take waiting to heart. Decided to take advantage of it by getting more fit and ready for the army.

Thanks for the advice... gives me some confidence.