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Army Reserve or Armoured Reserve

Hey, thank you guys very much for all the info, clearing up a lot of things and giving me quite a bit of insight on a potential career. One thing I'm still wondering is, are there any general physical size limitations/guidelines? As I said before, in another thread I read that you wouldn't be brought for training in a Leopard if you were over 5'8"? Is this true, would something similar apply to the other AFVs seeing as they only get smaller after the Leopards?
A leo has the smallest fighting compartments.There is a topic on the driver height for the leo.However you can still be a gunner,and loader,C/C.

Get all your career courses done in the reserves on a g-wagon.When you come in all you need to Crew command is a Turret operators course.
X-mo-1979 said:
A leo has the smallest fighting compartments.There is a topic on the driver height for the leo.However you can still be a gunner,and loader,C/C.

Get all your career courses done in the reserves on a g-wagon.When you come in all you need to Crew command is a Turret operators course.

Ah, alright. Speaking of the reserves, I've read that all of the combat arms trades are full, does this apply across Reserve and Regular? Or is it just for Regular? When doing my application I was going to have Armoured Soldier, Infantry and Combat Engineer as my three trade choices, and those three choices (with Armoured soldier ranking slightly higher) are basically equal in how content I'd be with having them, though I'm not sure what I'd have to do other than wait if those three are full in the reserves as well?
I dunno.
Check with the units in your area.Or the recruiting center.