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Army Culture


I will not source it out, in fact I demand you provide infomation to back it up. Why?

I am tired of people making asinine comments regarding injury and treatment, without a lick of understanding the process.



I am enjoying the discussion but just wanted to inject a quick thanks for all of your replies.  A particular thanks to Michael O'Leary for the quote from the Training Safety manual.  It is very reassuring to know that this is interpreted in such a way as to imply that everyone has a...

responsibility to identify any condition he feels compromises the safety of himself or other exercise participants.

I think that does speak to the state of the 'safety culture' - and to the wider culture - of the Army.

    I dont think this is the proper thread to go on about the AO topic. That being said I will try to answer your question. Bare with me because I have never posted a link or quate from another source in the forum.  This should solve your concern on one point if the cut and paste works I will send along the next one.
It worked,

So are you disputing evidence found of it's use, and discussed by VAC

I mean, what better thread than this to show how the Army culture is, especially from those whose statements's actually hurt those that have been affected, rather than help.



  Maybe you are right this could be a good place if we discuss it with open minds and scientifically without the emotion found on the other thread. Not that theres anthing wrong with the emotion it is just hard to have a civil conversation when people are hurting. My statements were not meant to hurt they are statements of fact from my sources in no way could the truth be seen as harmfull.

  As for your last question I dont dispute the findings that AO was used at the base that has always been admitted to and has been general knowledge at base Gagetown for 30 years, I dispute the amount and application and locations claimed by the non informed on the other threat and specifically the so called cover up that has never occurred from my opinion. Read what I said again specifically that I believe the problem is 20 years of herbicides spraying at the base not AO and the ill are manely the civilians who worked on the project

Next attachment answers your last challenge
Well then stop the press...

You have got to relay the information from that Doctor, pronto!

The US Institute of Medicine (IOM) is the leading scientific authority on Agent Orange. The IOM has identified several medical conditions that have an association with Agent Orange exposure. These conditions include:

soft-tissue sarcoma
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Hodgkin's disease
respiratory cancers
prostate cancer
multiple myeloma
Type 2 Diabetes
porphyria cutanea tarda
acute and sub-acute transient peripheral neuropathy

Make sure the IOM gets a read of that report.

Read what I said again specifically that I believe the problem is 20 years of herbicides spraying at the base not AO and the ill are mainly the civilians who worked on the project

And that exonerates the liability?  Or are you stating that any military personnel that claims an ill associated with the spraying, is misinformed and should not bother with a  claim?

