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Are you an Army.ca addict?

Are you an Army.ca addict?

No! I'm not Addicted! :threat:

Thx for listening to me. ;D
Hey, Navalsnipr, you have 9 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 2 days, 22 hours and 23 minutes.
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18 April 2005, 17:55:38
You just might be an Army.ca addict, if youve bookmarked it and set it as your home page  ;D
Today is my own little personal opposite day.

"Are you an army.ca addict?"

... NO!  ;D
13 days 4 hours 42 minutes...nah not addicted at all.
I have more time on than Burrows???????????

Hey, condor888000, you have 31 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 14 days, 23 hours and 11 minutes.
Hey, camochick, you have 65 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 15 days, 7 hours and 7 minutes.

muhahahahaha, I have more than you both hehe >:D
camochick said:
Hey, camochick, you have 65 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 15 days, 7 hours and 7 minutes.

muhahahahaha, I have more than you both hehe >:D

Yeah but you were a grat thread addict ;)
I miss the grat caps thread. :'( Aesop, I remeber you posting in there quite often hehe >:D
I'm too lazy to write up a new explanation, so I'll just copy one I already typed:

It is also the reason why posts from Radio Chatter aren't counted towards post count. It was deleted as it had gone off the tracks in terms of user conduct as it had no topic (well eventually it didn't, but it did have a starting rant).  Now if I remember correctly the present longest thread is the Music one here. Others may be longer but, I think they are conglomerates of many threads spliced into one. Also I seem to remember the title being "Gratuitous All Caps Thread 2" as it was started as a tribute to a rant on another website about how people TYPE LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME EVEN THOUGH THEY DON'T USE IT AS EMPHASIS. (Franko can elaborate on this)
If anyone wants to know a more detailed story about the thread, just P.M me as I was in the thick of things.
When you are on "Dial Up" and you have a large download, such as this latest Adobe Reader 7.0 one, what else can you do to kill time at 0140 hrs?

Hey, George Wallace, you have 26 messages, 0 are new.
Total time logged in: 30 days, 4 hours and 52 minutes.
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April 22, 2005, 01:45:05

94% done and in fifteen minutes I can hit that proverbial Sack.

Big Yawnnnn..........must sleep........must lie down.................................

Ah!  Download complete......Install complete.......Night All!........