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Aptitude Test preparations


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Hey folks, I experienced alot of success on the CFAT and I contibute that to my study plan and I just wanted to share it with everyone.  I also wanted to isolate this in its own thread so that more people could potentially see it.  If you have any other strategies or plans to contribute, please, post them here.  Lets keep this thread relevant to aptitude test PREPARATION.

1. You most certainly can 'prepare' or 'study' for an aptitude test.  I studied, wrote it and did well.  Studied harder, rewrote it, and improved my score.

2. Don't underestimate the importance of this test.  Its profoundly important.  That being said, don't be intimidated.  They're only questions on a screen.

3. This is not an IQ test.  Psychologists have all but turned their back on the concept of measuring someones intelligence.  You just can't do it.  What you can do is measure someones potential to be intelligent.  Their potential to be taught and so forth.  This is what we're writing for.

4. Give yourself lots of time to study.  I gave myself 2 months the second time around.  This isn't a high school unit quiz.  This is our careers we're working towards.  Time and effort and you'll ace it, much like everything else in life.

5.  Make sure you are mentally, physically and emotionally fit when you're walking in there.  I got into a street fight 2 days before a scheduled write and I called and cancelled.  Something else was dominating my mind and it wasn't worth the risk.  If you didn't sleep well the night before, if you got into a fight with you girlfriend the day before, if you had a negative experience in traffic on your way to write it...CANCEL IT.  You have the opportunity to reschedule the test right up untill the point you put your name into the computer just before the test.

6.  The CFAT practise exam is deceiving.  Some of the questions can be tough/complex so be prepared.

Here are my study sources:

Passbooks General Aptitude Test (Battery).  The General Aptitude Test(Battery) is a standardized aptitude test structure.  The OPP, RCMP, US military all use it and Im sure the CF does too.  Passbooks is a series much like Coles Notes that publish study guides; and they have one for the GAT(B).  These are available at major libraries.  There are three copies at the Brantford public library's main branch, for example. Thats where I got mine!  GET THIS BOOK!  I can't stress this enough.  Get it and make it your bible for a few weeks/months.  Go through it cover to cover.

http://www.Math.com The Bible: The Sequel.:nod: When studying I realized that i didn't know how to perform basic subtraction on paper.  I didn't know how to do the actual work.  Math.com starts at grade 1 math and goes all the way to grade 12.  Read all the units, do all the unit quizes and keep returning regularly to do the 'workouts'.

http://www.purplemath.com If you have as much trouble with algebraic word problems as I do, then this is the site for you.  Type 'word problems' into the search field and then scroll down to 'translating word problems: examples'.  Its all here guys.

http://www.ilc.org/cfmx/home/home.cfm The best kept secret in the province.  Every single course in the Ontario curicculum is available to any Canadian citizen living in Ontario 18y or older.  These courses actually end up on your transcripts.  Improve, update, and advance your skills here.  The courses are $45 each, $35 of which is a book deposit that you get back.  Every math, science, english, business...EVERY COURSE IN THE PROVINCES CURICCULUM is available.  And you can do it all at your own pace!

Sorry but what you have posted is nothing new and has already been posted in the other CFAT threads.  What you have done, if the Mods don't merge with the other threads, is created another complete waste of bandwith.  People who need info on the CFAT should do a fracking search. out.