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Application Process


Reaction score
I went to the Barrie Recruiting Station on July 14th and then I got all the Application Forms filled out. Then I Fed-Exed them in last week and got the call a few days later to book my Aptitude and Physical Test on October 17th. Then I got a vm yesterday to call the office and I did that today. There I learned that they have taken the Physical Fitness Test out of the Recruitment Process. Can anyone confirm this? Anyway, my new Aptitude Test day is Wednesday, October 18th, and hopefully it will go well.
    This application to the Canadian Forces is the culmination of 15 years of interest in the Military that has grown stronger in the last few years. It all started with the tour of the Naval Vessel I visited in 1991. My Maternal Grandfather,  Uncle and Father all served in the Canadian Forces and one of my best friends in University was a 2nd Lt. in the Reserves. That is when my interest in the Canadian Forces intensified, but I still never considered it as a career option until two years ago. However, I was in no financial or physical condition to pursue it at that time.
    But about a year ago, I was in a car accident and while recovering had a lot of time to think about my life and what I wanted to do with it. After all the insurance and recovery was over with, I decided not to waste anymore time pursuing the dream I did not realize I had. Fortunately, I am somehow in better shape AFTER the accident than I was before. I can actually run again, but I couldn't BEFORE the accident. I had a prior knee injury on New Years Day 1998, and after that I could no longer run; I was reduced to a quick shuffle and I got winded crossing intersections. Now I can run the 2.4 km in 24:30 and still have about 15 km of walking left in me. Considering that I was riddled with childhood asthma in 1991 and had two bad asthma attacks, I am glad that I am in better shape now.
Just wanted to tell everyone a bit about myself, this being my first post and all. Does the Aptitude Test pick your career path for you, or do you have to use your preferences to pick your field?
Welcome to Army.ca... oh wait, I am not qualified.
After 15 years of waiting, you should be used to it by now.  That is good, because you will do a lot of it.  Congratulations on finally deciding to join, though.  As slow as it may be, there will be a definite adjustment between being a potential applicant and an actual recruit, and finally, an actual recruit in training.
Good luck on your endeavoures.
By the way, double-time and a half on your running 2.4km should meet the minimum qualifications.
Keep training. With a time like 24+ minutes for 2.4km you'll end up in one of these lovely "Warrior" platoons everyone is talking about. No, it's not a place you want to be. You'll need to at least cut your time in half.

On the topic of no more fitness test to get into the CF; If it's true, I can't say I'm in favor of it, but at least I won't have to retake mine once I get my offer. Then again maybe because I applied back in Feb. I'll still have to take it because I'm under the "old" system.

Who knows! Either way, keep at it and stay focused.


Please.  PLEASE.

Stop coming here to "confirm" what the CFRCs are telling you.  They are the Recruiters for the CF.  They know the policies.  Try to trust them.  

If you DO come here, please.  PLEASE.  Search, and ye shall find...

Try this one, its the latest and greatest on the issue.


I never questioned ANYTHING the Recruiter told me when I got in 17 years ago.  I am CTing to go back to the Reg Force, and yup you guessed it, I ask my questions to the CFRC staff.

Trust the CFRC staff.


Your question about the CFAT, it will tell you the trades you did/didn't qualify for based on your score.  Basically, if you didn't score high enough for the trade you want, you can a) re-write the test in 3 months b) go for a different trade that you DID score high enough on the CFAT for.

Its handy to research the CF Recruiting Site (it has recently been redone) and perhaps search and read the Forums here, and have an idea what trade you might like.


Say, start with...do I want to be in the Army?  Air Force?  Navy?  And let your imagination run wild!  There are some video's, trade FAQs, etc on the website.  Good starting place.

Oh, and good luck!   :salute:


I checked my notes for when I did the run and realized I wrote down the wrong value. I did The 5 KM in 24:30, and the 2.4 KM in 11:30. Sorry about that. I didn't even realize I wrote the wrong value in there until I read my post today.
I actually did the run twice, three weeks apart, just to be sure my time wasn't a fluke.  I got 11:31 on the first run July 23rd, 2006, and 11:30 on the second run August 12th, 2006. . The second run was the one where I ran five km total, getting 24:32 by the time I was done.
Another question: have they taken the Physical test out of the Application Process acroos Canada or is it just the Barrie Station?