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any RCRs on Forum?

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HitorMiss said:
2Cdo you leave The Royal Cleaning Regiment alone to our own standards...go take a jump of the ramp of a CC130 why don't you  ;D

Must be out of the loop, never heard Royal Cleaning Regiment ;D, but I like it. In case some of the hard charging Royal young'uns missed the point, this is all in good fun. In fact, right now, I have 3 Royals working for me a fine Patricia!  ;D One more Royal and it would be a fair fight! :o ;D
Journeyman said:
Well, actually.......since the clauses on both sides of a semi-colon have to be grammatically correct, stand-alone clauses, if you insist on sticking a semi-colon in there, may I humbly suggest:
"I too am a fellow Royal Canadian, with Charles Coy, 1RCR; Op ARCHER, here we come!"

Otherwise, it would leave the sort of errant grammatical pedantry up with which I simply cannot put! ;D
OK, I must tap out on this one.  My degree is in GERMAN Language and Literature (and Philosophy: double major), and at no time did I get into the minutae of English Grammar, though it is somewhat similar in scope to German Grammar

awright, awright! That'll be QUITE enough of that, then! I'll not be having a Dragoon and a Patricia picking on my fine young Royal over here!
As for you commissioned types, shall we compare young Nathan's drill to *ahem* yours? Thought not! ha-rumph!

Nathan, carry on as if you were normal. HoM, I expected more from you. Standing there while the baby Royal got dog-piled by these outsiders. Tsk. A-tsk.

HitorMiss said:
Ok now were just beating the young troop up  ;D

Seriously Nathen Never Pass A Fault; is not just a saying it's the way we do things forever. And it has now been proven by 2 Royal Canadians and *sigh* an RCD..

Point of note Mr Paracowboy, I had hoped it was laid to rest with the this little bit of nicety on my part.... I'm just a lowly Cpl if my "superiors" deem themselves beyond my reproach whatever shall I do
HitorMiss said:
I'm just a lowly Cpl if my "superiors" deem themselves beyond my reproach whatever shall I do
salute 'em in the field! Come right to the chow for it, too! That'll learn 'em.
paracowboy said:
As for you commissioned types, shall we compare young Nathan's drill to *ahem* yours? Thought not! ha-rumph!

On the dress rehearsal for my CFR parade, the Crse WO pointed out, "you know, if you do the 'about turn' in the same direction as everyone else, it's more difficult for the audience to notice that sword flopping about."

My drill has always rocked!  ;D
As a former rock-painting NCM, my drill is probably above the average of most officers.

As I think about that comparison, that's not saying much  :P
Hey Gumby, not bad bieng born on the Regimental Birthday...but you really had nothing to do with that, good timing on your parents, however....I on the other hand chose to get married on the Regimental B-day Dec 21st, 1996...no that's dedication, it also makes it easier to remember my anniversary.
von Garvin said:
As a former rock-painting NCM, my drill is probably above the average of most officers.

As I think about that comparison, that's not saying much  :P

Hey von Garvin, I'll agree with you that your drill is probably better than most, however my drill is still better than yours - and I've been driving a desk for a year straight now.

mstorey look me up at work or talk to Scott R he has my new number.

Why yes, yes - it is. What's going on in RECCE these days.

Your drill "may" have been better than mine, but at least I am still a proud Rock Painter :D
(which means yours is degrading and mine is getting better all the time, much like a fine wine) :D

This is without a doubt one of the most disrespectful things one can say when referring to an RCR.

I served from 83 to 95 and could never understand how any member of any regiment could willfully disrespect another regiment.  Simply put : If you're coming through fire to save or back-up my ***, I don't care if you're green and from the Royal Eskimo Regiment ... I'll call you brother.

Such behaviour just shows a complete ignorance as to just how much we depend on one another in an active theatre as well as the effectiveness of all Canadian regiments and/or a complete lack of a professional demeanor.

These days we have real enemies to confront.  We shouldn't linger in ignorance with such stupid nicknames.  We should be embracing eachother from coast to coast.

Ain't none of us so damn shiny we're bulletproof.
At least from what I've seen.
Chilly and I served together in 2 RCR.  There was no inter-regimental dig involved.  He and I are friends, and the part about me still being RCR was intended as a personal and friendly jibe.
Your point is well taken; however, please understand that there was no pettiness involved.
If you've taken offense, please let me know.
Von Garvin:

I was actually responding to a post I read on the first page by one Jerry-Can whose ignorant use of the the phrase just set me off.

Friendly banter is acceptable of course, it always has been.  It's the 'my father can beat-up your father' nonsence when they're part of the same family rubbish I was attacking.

My apologies to both you and CHILLY for the indirect fire.


NUTTS said:
Von Garvin:

I was actually responding to a post I read on the first page by one Jerry-Can whose ignorant use of the the phrase just set me off.

Friendly banter is acceptable of course, it always has been.  It's the 'my father can beat-up your father' nonsence when they're part of the same family rubbish I was attacking.

My apologies to both you and CHILLY for the indirect fire.


you are unaware, then, that the post in question is more than two years old, and that it is a Royal referring to himself as ChickenF*cker, not a Patricia?
paracowboy said:
you are unaware, then, that the post in question is more than two years old, and that it is a Royal referring to himself as ChickenF*cker, not a Patricia?

I think Nutts needs to go get himself issued a sense of humour because I think he lost his! ::)
Merkava said:
Maybe you f#$ked chickens but as a former member of Alpha Company 1 R.C.R. then a member of 3 C.D.O. I find that a bit disrespectful!!

Seems this one needs to get the same sence of humour issued to him.
Coming from inside is worse than from out.

Folks, this doesn't need to continue, I'm locking it until I feel like cleaning up 10 pages of posts.

Pro Patria
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