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Amazing Canadian Book!!!!!


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Hi there everyone, last nite my friend who is in a reserve unit in Cornwall Ontario lent me a book called Killing Ground: The canadian civil war. Well i dicided that it would be an interesting read so i started. I ended up staying up virtually all nite reading it. i just couldnt get enough! This book follows a Colonel who through his advertures in what would of hapenned had the October Crisis gone totally wrong. Some parts in this book are pretty sketchy and sort of un realistic but a good and interesting take on how things would of gone down. I highly recomend this book to everyone in the Forces!!!!!
Have you read (I think its called) Fox at the Front? it is a 'What if?' if Rommel was in charge of the front at Russia instead of Africa.
One of my friends lent me the Canada's Civil War book, and it was extrememly interesting I must say...
Who are the authors of those two books?  They both sound pretty interesting.
"KILLING GROUND The Canadian Civil War" by BRUCE POWE.  Copyright 1968.

Two  that comes to mind are Victory and  The Killing Ground which both deal with a hypothetical Canada-Quebec civil war. of the two I‘d say the first is the better.
wow i just read some more of Killing Ground. It seems that, to the author, that our CF Headquaters( which is DND but in the book is called CFHQ) is a very easy target since he writes in an attack on it with a small band of frenchmen comming across the river right into ottawa and attacking it with Carl's and FN's.
You may also want to read Flashpoint Quebec, discussed here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/4563.0.html
jerrythunder said:
wow i just read some more of Killing Ground. It seems that, to the author, that our CF Headquaters( which is DND but in the book is called CFHQ) is a very easy target since he writes in an attack on it with a small band of frenchmen comming across the river right into ottawa and attacking it with Carl's and FN's.
Wait 'till you read about the Assault on Dorval Airport and then later the Heliborne Assault on La Citadelle in Quebec City.
Anyone know where I can pick up a copy of this book?  It's not on Chapters, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble's websites, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere else.  Sounds like a great read.

Michael O'Leary said:
"KILLING GROUND The Canadian Civil War" by BRUCE POWE.  Copyright 1968.
Is this guy some kind of medium ??

He foresaw the October crisis of 1970 ??
Jungle said:
Is this guy some kind of medium ??

He foresaw the October crisis of 1970 ??

I think more like he was taking the events of the "Quiet Revolution" of the 1960's and suggesting a possible escalation. The book IIRC ( been a while since I read it) goes far beyond FLQ/Aid to Civil Power/War Measures etc. as noted the  Seperatists recruit and arm their own army to fight the CF (Anglo and Franco regiments). Personally I prefer the later "Victory" also noted by Michael as a more realistic "what if."
oh man this book i s amazing, i love how close it takes place to my home(Maxville Ontario) they only come as close as Hawkesbury but still, i can picture in my head everything hapenning.
I think I  read the book in 1969.  It was panned in a book review in "Weekend Magazine" and that has been out of print since at least 72, so the book is a bit stale.  It is amusing to read - today - the Order of Battle of the Canadian Army in it.  It lists such Regular Regiments as the FGH, RHC, QOR, and trhe Cdn Guards, so you know it was written before 1970.
Possible Spolier Below...

Is this the book that has a US-led UNPKF rolling across the 49th near the end?
To become to 'Unifying Factor' for both the French and English Canadians..........Yes! it is.
Here's an excellent one as well:

Its a novel called Bonk on the Head, by John James-Ford.  Its about a kid who joins a militia regiment in Ottawa, and then ends up on ROTC at RMC.  The book gives a pretty good account of Canadian military indoctrination (though highly fictionalized and quite exaggerated... he works in a few basic-training myths into the story).  I highly recommend it.


There is a whole series of books: The Bandy Papers that follow a WW I farmboy through the Trenches onto becoming an airforce Ace and then a Bush pilot.  Great reading.