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All things CF98 (merged)

Amsdel said:
I have searched all over for a working link to a CF98 form but found nothing.  If anyone can  help me out I'd appreciate it.  (It turns out that the CF98 needs to be typed and not hand-written)
You should go all arse-hole mode on "them" and ask them for a typewriter so that you can type it :D

*PS: did you know that "typewriter" is the longest word you can type using just one row on a typewriter and "stewardesses" is the longest word you can type using one hand?  OK, I mean, using the approved method of two handed typing.  More UFI for you :D
What is this "typewriter" you speak of?  Is it an iPod accessory or does it plug into my cell?
It's like a really UNPORTABLE Blackberry with no music, phone or email features!!  ;)
or or! a backwards computer with no screen or hard drive!  ::)
        here is my question. But I have an idea what the answer is. But I want your two cents.

              Today, I was on detail in my panel van and got rear end by a mini van. I was at a full stop while some folks were across the street. His guy hit me at about 45km/h. I have a sore back now and neck. And I went to the MIR to get it recorded and check. They said to take some anti-imflamatories (sp?) and I should be fine. So I went back to work and my back is still bothering me. Now should I go to my CoC and get a CF98 done to cover my tushy? I think some rum is in good order for tonight.


Note: Spell Check is not picking up the "anti-imflamatories" word. So I try to spell it out.
Yes, complete a CF98, it is the official record that you had an injury and sought medical attention.

If you have back trouble ten years from now and wish to seek a DVA settlement, it along with any other recorded incidents, will then matter very much.

CYA? What are you hinting at? Do you work at the release center? Do you know how I am? Pretty blunt on what you said. Watch your arcs.

Cool your jets TN2IC.  Why did you have to assume a derogatory context?

He probably meant that you need to make sure that the paperwork is done to have your backsidee covered (excuse the pun) in the future when you might need it.
I assume it due to my father's pass. He was medical released with PTSD and a rebuilt left arm after the cold war. And no one would touch him afterwards.  So I took that as a "cheap shot".

        As for your information Mr. O'Leary, thank you for your help. I just need that little support.

I missed something.... :-\

Just encouraging you to cover your butt.  I would never disrespect you, your dad or any other CF member that has been injured.  I'm on your side!

edit - missed a "y"
I misinterpret the term CYA. I was seeing it from my view as in goodbye form.

You have a sick chit on your file - it's a good start.
You have your Drivers report of accident & all ancillary reports that will be generated
The CF98 is just a little bit of additional insurance - go ahead & go for it... as has been said, better safe than sorry.
I, too, was going to push the "report to mod button" on this, too, as well as post the generic MSN Speak warning.

Then it hit me, cover your @ss.

Misunderstandings happen, I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

On topic, fill out the report.  It's ten minutes out of your day, and MVC soft tissue injuries can bite you in the butt somewhere down the road.

I believe I will try to shot for a CF98 tomorrow when I am off the road.

Thanks for the input my fellow troops,
CYA=cover your ass. not MSN speak, but a good thing to live by IRT (in regards to) injuries whle serving.

BTW (by the way) you have 14 days to initiate a CF 98 and it should be supported by witness statements.

Why is this in the medical forums?....CF 98s are administrative forms..nothing to do with medical stuff.
So I injured my achilles tendon while running...maybe started during a unit PT thing last Thursday, and more acutely injured it on Sunday.  I was on crutches for a few days, and now have to see a sports guy.  Anyway, some people said to fill out a CF98 since it may have occurred during work, or at least on self directed PT.

My question is, what will it be used for.  I don't anticipate needing to go through Veterans Affairs, or to file a disability claim.  Will it mean I can submit any physio bills?  I'm class B under 180 days so I don't have anything covered anyway.

Sorry if it seems like a silly question, but figured safer to ask on here than get laughed at asking in person at work :-)
A CF98 (Report on Injuries) is an administrative document, which records any injuries you may have sustained whilst on duty.

Although you don't "anticipate" approaching Veteran's Affairs regarding recompense - wait 30 years.  A CF98 is simply an official record of an injury being received while performing service functions (approved PT counts). 

You may never need to refer to it - but if you DO need it (even 30 years later), and you didn't bother filling it out - you'll regret it.

Regarding your physio bills - I can't answer that for you.  I'm far to out of date to know what current regulations are.  I suggest you talk to your medical and/or OR staff for that one.
