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after basic training is over

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rookie in training

hi everyone i was just wondering after your ten week basic training or how ever long it is to surtain individuals what happens after that do u get a brake to see familey again do u get posted somewhere? and one last thing if someone can help me with this the base in quebec where is it located? thanx for the help
This is a question not easily answered by anyone before entering BMQ. The only thing you can do is ask your local CFRC and they may be able to estimate where you‘ll end up. Any break after BMQ is usually negotiated with your gaining unit.

If you‘re going in as semi skilled, likely you‘ll go directly to your unit after graduating BMQ as early as the next morning. You‘ll be given a number of days to drive to your unit or flown immediately there. After arriving at the gaining unit, you can work out with your supervisor how much time you can take and when. Its not bad if you can tack on regular vacation days (4 after BMQ) to the days given to you for moving your wife, husband, furniture and effects.

If your unskilled, then you‘ll be sent to your training unit after graduating BMQ as early as the next morning. You might be given the option to drive or fly. Usually you‘ll have to wait in a holding platoon prior to going on a trade course and its not generally hard to take time off after that.

I couldn‘t tell you the process for officers.

The map to St.Jean is here:


Good luck.
So if you get posted to PAT and you want to go home for say..a week (in another province) that wouldn‘t be feasible right? I mean what else are you doing, sitting around picking up garbage, doing this, that and the other thing...
Actually, there is 2 bases in Quebec, Valcartier and St-Jean.. the BMQ is in St-Jean, you have the map in the previous post. Valcartier (if that is what you were asking for) is just aside Quebec City.. Haaaa!! what a nice city! :)
so to sum this bs up No you dont get a break so make the choice now if you cant handle being away that long then we dont want you. We need ppl that are strong mentally an physically, over all you‘ll be gona about 5-6 months just for training purposes depending on your MO....hope that helps.

It would be something you‘d have to work out with your training unit. I know some of the pers who were on my BMQ course got time off from their respective training locations after they were cleared in. Even on PAT, annual and special leave works out like a regular job. Hopefully the chain of command is sympathetic if you need a little extra.


Oh come on now. Be a little nice. Hehe. If you‘ve completed BMQ (regular), you know there are loose ends to sort out (family, house, rent, posting, transport, etc...) before or just after you go to your next posting or training unit. Deployment preparation and readiness is another issue.
Yea ok sorry about snapping but c‘mon man I hate these rediculous civilian questions when all they have to do is a little research before asking dumb questions like this. Sorry again. i‘m very anal today...i‘m gonna go kick the **** out of my punching bag now :rage:
For officers, I‘m not 100% sure for NCM, if you‘re in PAT, for reasons like injury during training or medical restrictions that do not allow you to finish the course you can be, with consent of the CO, attached posted to a local unit around your home for a period time, working recruiting or a job that can accomadate your injury. If you have pressing personal matters you can speak to the chaplain and get compassionate leave. Leave request in general is dictated by your staff so it can be subjective. I believe you aquire something like 2 days of leave every month in, and it cannot all be carried over from year to year if not all use dup during the timeframe. So right after bmq, which is ten months you‘ll only have aquired about 4 days of leave, and in any case you can only use them with consent.
Originally posted by Pte_Lajeunesse:
[qb] so to sum this bs up No you dont get a break so make the choice now if you cant handle being away that long then we dont want you. We need ppl that are strong mentally an physically, over all you‘ll be gona about 5-6 months just for training purposes depending on your MO....hope that helps. [/qb]
Yeah, I second what the others said about angst. While the Canadian Forces does want mentally strong people, that also means they don‘t want people who fly off the handle when someone asks a simple question.

Also, I like how you pretend you‘re some hardened veteran or something. You swore in, what, two days ago?
I totally agree with you Hoser....Pte Lajeunesse you‘d better change your attitude...a punching bag won‘t do it.......GROW UP!bb
Originally posted by Pte_Lajeunesse:
[qb] Yea ok sorry about snapping but c‘mon man I hate these rediculous civilian questions when all they have to do is a little research before asking dumb questions like this. Sorry again. i‘m very anal today...i‘m gonna go kick the **** out of my punching bag now :rage: [/qb]
So how far is that stick up ur *** today?? Jeez lighten up man! Get off your high horse and actually help people instead of just insulting them. If they dont ask these "rediculous civilian questions" how are they ever going to learn anything about the military? lighten up.
Pte Lajeunesse, it was just an honest question, give the guy a break, thats a good question and if you cant give him a good answer then keep your mouth shut. I have asked similar questions such as that and didnt recieve such responses. Thats why we have forums like these, to help people with issues, and give them some support. Your not making alot of friends on this forum, I hope you change your attitude before basic or your gonna have a rough time buddy. i know your young, but grow up. You know, you just joined the CF set an example please.
Originally posted by Pte_Lajeunesse:
[qb] if you cant handle being away that long then we dont want you. [/qb]
Considering you havent even completed BMQ, you may want to change that from "we" to "they". I wish i was on your BMQ so i could see how you handle it.
One more thing rookie in training, welcome to the forum, sorry about this one individual. we are not all like that. The forum has some great people who go out of there way to help you. Dont get the wrong idea about us just because of one Jack ***, he will be gone soon, hopefully.
And you know what Lejeunesse, this forum dose NOT need people like you, you arent helping anyone and as one of the people going through the application process, I find it frustrating enough without someone bashing me for a question I may need answered. I hope your not as IGNORANT in real life as you are on this forum. Good luck in basic as I know you leave soon, I just hope you help your fellow recruits and not jump on them for every mistake made, you say you have expierience, so use it to help people in ST JEAN.