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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Its not that difficult if you study a bit every night. There is a pile of info to cover.  Some wil say its easy, some say its difficult, but there always seems to be a fair # of failures on the course, and not just aesops (or wannabe aesops, lol) 
I just received my OT offer to AESOp today.  Is there anyone out there that can suggest any pre-reading or preparation I can do to get ready?  The official date is 16 Jul 07.  I can't wait.  Will miss being a Lineman 052, but time for a new challenge and adventure.
Thanks in advance to any suggestion.
BAC instructors will instruct you on what you have to learn.  Best think to do is go in with a good attitude and be prepared to study.
flames9 said:
BAC instructors will instruct you on what you have to learn.  Best think to do is go in with a good attitude and be prepared to study.


A bad attitude is the fastest way to be kicked out of the trade while on BAC......i've seen it too many times.
Thanks Flames...  I am excited and prepared to crack the books every opportunity I can get. 
bily052 said:
Thanks Flames...  I am excited and prepared to crack the books every opportunity I can get. 

And you shall get that oppurtunity,lol  Nice comfy rooms to study in!!  Life is good on BAC, staff are excellent, accomodations are top notch, and the best mosquitos in the west!!
A little bit off this topic, for those AESOPs out there. Where do you find most of the AES-OPs remuster from? What element?
bily052 said:
I just received my OT offer to AESOp today.  Is there anyone out there that can suggest any pre-reading or preparation I can do to get ready?  The official date is 16 Jul 07.  I can't wait.  Will miss being a Lineman 052, but time for a new challenge and adventure.
Thanks in advance to any suggestion.
Is 16 July your COS date?
Congrats by the way, when & if I pass my BAC I will hopefully get to fly with you sometime.
And for advice on what you can do to prepare, I would bone up on your math if you need it.
I don't know if you will be attached to a squadron with some AESops but they should be able to guide you.

Once again congrats
hoist-monkey said:
Is 16 July your COS date?
Congrats by the way, when & if I pass my BAC I will hopefully get to fly with you sometime.
And for advice on what you can do to prepare, I would bone up on your math if you need it.
I don't know if you will be attached to a squadron with some AESops but they should be able to guide you.

Once again congrats

PM inbound...please read
Ex-Dragoon said:
A little bit off this topic, for those AESOPs out there. Where do you find most of the AES-OPs remuster from? What element?
I am not an AESop yet but from sailing with the MH community, most guys come from the Navy but on my BAC in April
there will be only 3 Navy guys and the rest from Combat arms.
I am not sure on the exact statistics of where AESops come from, but being in the Navy and seeing them doing their job
does draw a lot of guys to the trade, whether they meet the med requirements or even apply is another thing.

A lot of the trades in the Navy are hurting pretty bad so it isn't easy trying to get an OT right now.

In my unit we have an abundance of former combat arms and former air force techs. To say that most guys come from the navy is rather inacurate.  You are doing OJT in an MH unit therefore your perspective is rather limited. Just keep that in mind.
Got my msg today with an effective date of 1 April.  Congrats to all and hope to see you soon.

A lot of the trades in the Navy are hurting pretty bad so it isn't easy trying to get an OT right now.


could you expand on that a bit?  i do believe that navy guys are getting ot's and i am also trying for one, specifically aesop.  i'd like to know which navy trades are "hurting" to the point that it's not easy to get an ot.

congrats glenn.  will be in touch.
A quick trip to the BPSO's office can clear that up.  They would have a list of what Trades are open to OT into, and what are open to OT out of.  If the Trade you are in is LOCKED, then you won't be able to OT, unless it is for Medical reasons (Which now a days may mean Release instead.).
Congrats Glenn

Maybe we will be on the same BAC course. Nothing like pushing the message to the last minute that requires an answer by Feb 1st


"on my way to being a former SigOp"

If you guys go on the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group - In Service Selection website, there is a list that details how many from each trade are allowed to OT out, based on current strength.  It is a different percentage based on how your trade is doing, ie. if your trade is GREEN, then 2% are allowed to OT out, and goes down from there.

Note this site is accessable by DWAN only.

Being offered a chance to become an Aesop is the best thing I could ask for, a trade made up of volunteers from all corners of CF is a trade worth working for.  It is going to be a long road before I am considered an Aesop. When the wings get pinned and my MOAT or OTU is complete I will still be the most junior fella (bitch) in the sqn.  Basically a Cpl/Mcpl with the experience of a new recruit, starting all over again.

Congrats to all those who got their messages this year, I look forward to working with you as we all work towards that common goal, to call ourselves Aesops.

On the topic of OT restrictions, CFRG Borden has an up to date database which shows what trades are restricted, and which ones are open.

Glenn did you get that acceptance out?
Got that acceptance drafted and the clerk said it is as good as gone.  ;D
Dolphin_Hunter said:
  It is going to be a long road before I am considered an Aesop. When the wings get pinned and my MOAT or OTU is complete I will still be the most junior fella (bitch) in the sqn. 

Its realy not that bad.  You will still be in training for about 18 months after arriving to a sqn ( if you go to the CP-140 that is) as you upgrade from B-category to A-category.  So the BAC is just the begining......
A quick trip to the BPSO's office can clear that up.  They would have a list of what Trades are open to OT into, and what are open to OT out of.  If the Trade you are in is LOCKED, then you won't be able to OT, unless it is for Medical reasons

True, you can check with the BPSO or view CFRG's latest database on PML standings.  However those figures have no bearing on whether or not you can apply or your possible acceptance.  This is because AES Op (and SAR Tech & FE) falls only under the COTP program, and as such, personnel are allowed to submit applications to OT to AES Op regardless of their current trade's manning shortfalls.  At present the only way for the 00019 trade to recruit personnel is through ISS.  If your present trade is in the yellow or red your C-of-C will probably brow beat the application, but they cannot stop it from being submitted (and accepted) to the BPSO and onto CFRG.

Congratulations to everyone selected this year!  Get your thinking caps on early, BAC sneaks up in no time.