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advice for PRES applicants

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1-if your applying to the primary reserve dont be discourage by the long wait times it may take upwards of a year to get in but who gives a $h!t
2-if guys in the regs(its pretty much always guys as new to the army as you) make fun of you for being MO just laugh at them on the inside only difference between your training and his is that you spend less time in the field then them, but this shouldnt happen to often because most of the more experienced reg guys know that the only difference between regs and reserves is most reservist's hold civie jobs and have a reason on why there reserves(plus on course you get fed cock 24/7 they get most weekends off)
3-if your a former cadet dont make it publically known until asked to do map and compass, map and compass is pretty much the only skill they teach you in cadets that you can transfer to the actual army.
4-what happens in the mess stays in the mess

everyone feel free to add your own two cent's
another note to be added, show up for your training nights no matter what, some advice i got from a corporal a few weeks ago unless your in the hospital show up, I showed up last week sick as a fucking dog and I still did pt and my regular training in the freezing cold with no extra layers on and it made it ten times worse but it shows dedication.
I've been debating whether or not I was going to say anything, but I pretty well have to....

Your points:

1 - Wait times vary. People's applications are processed at different rates, for a variety of reasons. There are many threads on wait times.

2 - Stay in your lanes. Your experience with the Reg F is likely very limited. The Reg vs Res debate in this forum is a bad idea and generally speaking; none of the forum regulars, let alone the Mods will let you get away with it. If you do this sort of thing often, you'll be labelled a troll and people will not even bother to acknowledge you. The Reg F get alot more experience initially than us reservists. Thats the nature of the game. Military professionalism takes many forms, and realising that when you're a reservist, you have to work that much harder to gain, then maintain your mil skills, is half the battle. I could go on, but hopefully you'll get the idea. Experiences may vary. I know of many reservists who have never set foot in their reserve armoury since doing their Reg F BIQ's and deploying overseas....Not too many people care about this one either way anymore.

3 - Map and Compass - sure. What about drill, dress, deportment, marksmanship principles, military history, military bearing, rank structure...I'm sure I could go on. Where are you getting your info?

4 - Yes. Agreed. Mostly. Within reason and of course Canadian law and the CF code of conduct....The book answers.

Your second post - Well, how about no. If you're sick, stay away lest you infect the people around you and render ineffective your entire unit. Please avoid licking door knobs and sharing beer mugs with your buddies if you have the flu or a cold. If you can't show up, you can't show up. Keep your chain of command informed and if you have a valid reason, they should be ok with it. Unless it's chronic.

Last thing - I was once told by someone who should arguably be kept in a locked and fine glass cabinet that should read "Break glass in case of war"...You don't have to be miserable, uncomfortable or frozen to be hard. PT in the freezing cold, with no extra layers, just for the sake of looking hard, is not hard, it's foolish. Of course I wasn't there, so I don't know the circumstances, but just from reading your post...

I guess my last little bit is going to revolve around a little advice I have seen given here time and time again, but someone always slips through. Read more, type less, ask questions and give advice based on your own knowledge and experience.

Good luck.
1-the phrase hurry up and wait applies here

2-I said new guys I havent had that problem with the couple hundred reg force I see on a weekly basis just guys waiting for bmq or havent trained with the res before.

3-I was in cadets the drill has its noticable differences, marksmanship you shoot at targets with airguns inside at less than 20 feet, there is no dress and deportment really just theres a thread on your uniform please try and fix it and no military history lessons, and there was much grief on my bmq pertaining to master corporal being an appointment not a rank

4-speaks for itself

and for the second post
unless your coughing in peoples faces and using everyone elses kit you should be fine to show up just wash your hands alot
im not trying to act like I know alot since I dont im just going by what ive experienced as a newer member to the PRES here in this province, and I guess that showing up while sick thing might just be me im addicted to the army now that im in I sit at home waiting for more training I guess that gos away with time though
This thread is just so full of misinformation, it is to be ignored.


Read the guidelines and stay in your lanes, or your stay here will be short.


Milnet.ca Staff
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