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A Little Canadian X-men Trivia


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So the other  night I'm watching X-men  on TV and Logan ( Wolverine)  was wearing  dog tags ,  He is Canadian and ex army , So  i was thinking  did it  ever say  in any of the comics  OR  movies or cartoons which  unit he  belonged to ?

Just Curious ?
Department H, then Alpha Flight.  Both were sub-units of the CF I think.  (not in real life, they were fictional)
The history of the character has changed over the years d=to bring him into current times. At one point he was part of the Devils Brigade back in the day, but the latest bio I remember seeing stated he had been part of the RCR or PPLCI .. if I remember well.
Scooped this up off of the Wiki.  Apparently Wolverine is very old and ages quite well to boot.

More here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolverine_%28comics%29

This is the jist of it.

Early Years
At some point in time, Logan lives in another frontier community in the Canadian Rockies, where he will meet his deadliest enemy, Victor Creed, although the community knows him only as Sabretooth. He will also meet a young Native American woman named Silver Fox, with whom Logan soon falls in love. The two build a cabin together and live happily for several months. On Logan's birthday, Sabretooth brutally attacks Silver Fox, killing her as Logan returns home. Enraged, Logan battles Sabretooth only to be defeated. Unable to bear this defeat, Logan leaves never to return.

[edit] World War I
Logan eventually joins a unit in the Canadian military known as the Devil's Brigade. Logan's commanding officer is a superhumanly-strong man known as Cyber. Logan and Cyber fight over a woman named Janet who Cyber kills. During the battle, Cyber brutally beats Logan and gouges out one of his eyes. At this time, Logan wears a patch over his eye and uses the alias Patch. (Cyber is the only man to truely put fear into Logan).

Logan leaves the army and travels to China, where he meets Chang, a Chinese businessman and an employee of Landau, Luckman, and Lake. In Shanghai, Logan meets Ogun, a Japanese samurai, sorcerer, and an immortal. Impressed by Logan, Ogun offers to instruct him in the martial arts. Wolverine soon has a deep love for Japan and it is like a second home to him. After a number of years, Logan travels to Madripoor, an island nation in Asia.

At some point, Logan develops a close attachment to the Romanov family in Russia and to young Natasha Romanova, who will later be known as the Black Widow.

[edit] World War II
Due to World War II, Logan is no longer welcome in Japan. He returns to Madripoor, where he deals with the Hand. Later, Logan teams up with Captain America to battle against the Hand and Baron Strucker. Thier main goal: rescuing Natasha Romanova from being transformed into a Hand assassin. During the war, Strucker will also work with HYDRA, a worldwide terrorist organization.

Eventually, Logan returns to Canada and again enlists in the Armed Forces and joins the First Canadian Parachute Batallion. Among the Nazi soldiers, Logan encounters Bloodscream, an immortal vampire.

During this period, Logan will also meet Nick Fury for the first time.

After World War II, Logan again travels to Japan.

Logan will later join the American CIA.

At some time Logan's name is submitted for consideration in Team X.

So......you mean that's why ER goes to the states in the winter?......hmmmmm
See what a little of alcohol abuse can do to spice up a dry subject. Before you get all snarky, I didn't mean you JM.
Old Sweat said:
Logan is modelled on Edward Campbell.

THATS how a guy who is SUPPOSED to be in his mid sixties can drink the same amount as I the night before and then make me run like mad to catch up to him in the morn when I didn't answer his thunderous knock on my door fast enough.....................and whilst I sweated away the morn trying to make the presentation room stop spinnin', his mutant healing powers allowed him to start all over again.

I'm on to ya' now.........................just wait 'till next time.