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  1. mare2mare71

    New recruiting numbers

    Hello: If someone in Recruiting could also check the numbers for MOC 78 DEO- AIR, Army and Navy, that would also be great. I am just curious if the numbers are out as of April 1st 2008, and if Recruiting Centres have began sending out offers for DEO applicants at this point. Thanks!!!
  2. mare2mare71

    New recruiting numbers

    Hello: As of April 2 2008, would anyone know if the new Recruiting Numbers are out for the following MOC? LOG 78 AIR, LAND and SEA. Thanks in advance!
  3. mare2mare71

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    Kinkanucks: This is a very interesting development in  the recruiting process.  The questions I have concerning this is given the new six week cycle, will this cause a huge administrative burden on the recruiting centres? I find it incredible that if a candidate hands in their completed...