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  1. D

    PERs : All issues questions...2003-2019

    I dont know if any of you guys know this but in the cadets there is a new special forces section i believe.  I had a fellow tell me that the real turned on cadets can be selected to do special duties overseas.  Anyone heard of this?
  2. D

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    YAY!  now you guys understand.  ITs all about death and honor, Hard pride and the taste of Nalpalm in the morning.  The canadian army should make movies about canadian soldiers doing stuff in the artic, like intercepting russian subs and blowing ice bergs up and yeah totally, kids will go for...
  3. D

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I think the best way to recurit kids would be to show up at their school with helicopters or Tanks.  Maybe show up in a PE class and start yelling and forcing pushups.  Perhaps shooting weapons at school property would be cool (stuff kids hate).  Maybe set up some sort of terrorist thingy where...
  4. D

    Fighting & Winning The Global War on Terror (WW IV)

    The only terrorists I see are on TV....  I hope we can all keep our minds here and remember that people arnt born terrorists, rather theyre a product of their society.  Cant we think of rather destroying people, perhaps improving them.  People dont rationalize this but It can be done...  I...
  5. D

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    """"Not only do we not give any pictures, mottos, or anything that emphasises Duty, Pride in Service, Dedication, Challenge, or Preparing to Defend the Nation - all those values that the Military has traditionally relied upon to draw recruits.  Rather, we pander to minority groups and women and...