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  1. tmapplepeel

    teens views on the army

    I agree with everyone that the CF is not "advertised" enough, or in the right way. When I tell my friends (junior-highers) of my plans to join the reserves and then maybe the regs, they think I'm signing my own death warrant or something. But then again the CF is portrayed as a peacekeeping...
  2. tmapplepeel

    "Over There" TV Series (Merged Topic)

    Take it from a young teenager but this series is rather unrealistic...they always yell "goddamn" at each other and might be just me...but they always call ranks over the radioes..which i think is weird.  :-\ Pretty smart ideas though...like how the iraqi blew up himself with the toilet C4. I...
  3. tmapplepeel

    My Chemical Romance + .... D-Day?

    I dunno I don't really like this video..., personally I think that the WMUWSE is much better...the song is too...its kinda weird cuz like the guy that gets shot looks pretty dead but then a medic starts working on him and then later he's playing the guitar/bass in the USO dance scene...but then...
  4. tmapplepeel

    Who knew parallel parking could be so addicting?

    17.76 seconds with a score of 28.15...I park better than my brother =D
  5. tmapplepeel

    Suggestions for new story

    Thanks for the site Mr. Pieman. I'll consider!
  6. tmapplepeel

    "Canada's Army" by J.L. Granatstein

    You may also want to read his comphrehensive books on WWI and WWII like Hell's Corner, A Nation Forged in Fire, Marching to Armageddon, The Last Good War, which comes out in May, and maybe Who killed the Canadian Military? I haven't seen Canada's Army, where did you get it?
  7. tmapplepeel

    Suggestions for new story

    Ah here it is. Long read maybe. Reasons Webster awoke to the sound of his alarm clock. He crawled out of bed and stumbled to the washroom. The same old routine....he brushed his teeth, took a shower, washed his face, took a leak....always the same. Today was Saturday, however, no school and...
  8. tmapplepeel

    Suggestions for new story

    Well I need to write a story about a nuclear war for science. I'm going to put it in first person view, talk about a soldier's experience in a war maybe set 10 years later, and conclude on a paragraph about realizing something about war, comradeship, or the reality of being a solider. If you are...
  9. tmapplepeel

    D-Day/Juno Beach Books

    Try Desmond Morton's Bloddy Victory. I really enjoy J.L. Granatstein and Desmond Morton's book. Very informative and the conclusion is just wonderful.
  10. tmapplepeel

    Tae Guk Gui - The Brotherhood of War (movie)

    As I posted in the other "Favourite war movies" I still dont understand why the older brother was firing a Vickers Vinnie. Was I mistaken that it was a Russian burp gun?
  11. tmapplepeel

    Your Funniest/ Favorite War Stories

    Hey Patrick H. the story your talking about sounds exactly the same as the one in True Canadian War Stories. Its called Marked Men and its written by Will R. Bird. Just wondering because it sounds exactly the same except the person in Will R. Bird's story is near Mons in Belgium when they...
  12. tmapplepeel

    Favourite War Movies

    So are you guys Korean or is there another version of Taegucki? Anyways, its a pretty good story like I said before. But I still don't understand why the North Koreans had a Vickers Vinnie.
  13. tmapplepeel

    Favourite War Movies

    Isn't "takgucki" or something spelled close to that Korean? Its pretty good though, but I found it weird how the North Koreans had a Vickers Vinnie in the Korean War. Maybe just me but that was weird. Also the brother took like 10 shots at the end and then died. The plot is pretty good actually...
  14. tmapplepeel

    Army Surplus store locations

    Haha I'd love to join (and I am once I hit 16) to the reserves, but I'm too young. Uh....lets say 4 years younger. How do you say this? I dont wanna disrespect you guys cuz I really do respect our army. I didnt know it was that expensive! Anyways, I want to collect that stuff cause I really...
  15. tmapplepeel

    Army Surplus store locations

    Hey, it would be great to obtain such a gun! Um...maybe this doesn't relate to this, but do you know where they have an army surplus store in the GTA. I would like to obtain full dress (helmet, pants, CADPAT body wear, gloves, goggles, boots, pack) just because I like those things. ;D. How much...
  16. tmapplepeel

    Magic Tricks

    Oh I tried it with a pipe and stuff but then it only just pop-uped out, it didn't fly out. Thanks for the idea anyways, I had quite a bit of fun making it. =P
  17. tmapplepeel

    Magic Tricks

    I'm trying to make a mortar, (as I cannot obtain potassium) but how do you make it so that the film canister flies far enough?
  18. tmapplepeel

    Could you guys read my story? plus my "friendship poem"

    Well, I didnt write this when I was nine, but when I was twelve. I wrote how i thought when I was nine though. Thanks for the feedback!
  19. tmapplepeel

    Quick Question

    Woah I didnt know they recruited at schools. Do they have recruitment sort of sessions in the Toronto District School Board? I'd love to attend one.
  20. tmapplepeel

    Magic Tricks

    Haha Roko that is hillarious yet smart. I guess you could also have a length of pvc pipe and a projectile and then use the baking powder as a the gunpowder and vinegar as the spark. An instant musket! I gotta try that soon.