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  1. M

    Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

    Wow, I don't agree with cannonfodder's original comment but the cause of this sniping has been simply because you called him a jackass Slim rather than discuss a diametrically opposing view.  It doesn't matter that he (or I) haven't been there.  You name called first and he ended up with a...
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    Unfortunately GO!!! I think those men got wrong information. Maybe you are talking to someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone.... They do not simply stand down full infantry platoons the day before embarkation (you did say that they got their embarkation leave and thus I can...
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    Wow.  Lots of reserve bashing. Not sure if this will cheese anyone off and I usually stay out of this stuff but its hard sometimes, especially seeing some of the same names over and over bashing away thread after thread. I think it was 48th Regulator (sorry if I'm wrong) earlier that said that...
  4. M

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    Right on noneck! The Pocket is just the the last example in my 6 months of witnessing hatred, death and shameful acts by both Serb and Croat.  While the Serbs certainly have nothing to be proud of, I often thought that the Croats tried to play the "poor me" card so much to the press (much like...
  5. M

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    pbi,  you are absolutely right.  If there were a formed civil defence force that was either volunteer or paid a small amount for training, I would bet that it might find many people willing to join.  A possibility is to amalgamate all other groups (St Johns Ambulance etc.) into one single...
  6. M

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    The lack of maps is almost inexcusable.  I think with a military context in any book a map would be a must or much of the story simply couldn't be understood.  Had it not been for her excellent content, her book would surely have failed to meet its point. Let that be a lesson for future...
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    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    Interesting viewpoint MdB and very valid in a storytelling context.  I also agree that she did a phenomenal amount of research.  She very clearly described the history of the conflict and how it started with an eye to having lay-persons understand. From my perspective though I agree with the...
  8. M

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    I was with D Coy in Medak.   I finished the book last week. While I do agree that Carol Off's portrayal has been rather emotionless with some disjointed organization, I'm quite happy with what she has done(although the lack of maps is almost inexcusable in order to properly set the stage to...