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    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    This is an easy one: And what caused this?
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    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Bingo - Salerno
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    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Close, I knew if I left the pic with the name "Rocket City" somebody would guess Khost.  It is not the Khost strip, but you can almost see Khost from here.
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    Who are these guys??

    Yeah, I saw there website, just wondering if anybody new who they were, a guy might need a job very soon ;D
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    Who are these guys??

    On my last tour to the Sandbox, these guys were parked on the ramp a couple spots down.  They are sporting a nice Canadian Maple Leaf, but the reg is SA?? Also spotted in the Northern part of Theater.
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    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    Name all types and location?
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    The only DND dregs going directly to the Consortium would be a WTO approved 1/3 R&D fee (potentially repayable), and a '30 year guaranteed availability' fee (with penalties for non-availability). And unlike the NATO airlift pool, there is no preset yearly hourly limit (minimum or maximum) for...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    It seems that the "Airlift Consortium" is a bunch of political insiders that want the government to finance a startup airline for them, and give them a guaranteed customer.  Has the government approached existing airlines to see what the interest is. The only way a commercial operator would be...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    What they are talking about here is the 8th Freedom (Cabotage) flights that the AN124 operates within the US.  This is specific to flights from one point within the US to another point within the US.  This does not cover 5th Freedom flights, which are flights from a 2nd country to points within...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    Gobsmacked, Where do you get your info on temp certificates for IL76 & AN124??  There is no such thing as a temp certificate.  These aircraft are operating on international routes.  They regularly compete with DC-8 / B747 / L100 aircraft based in North America.  There is actually an Uzbeki...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    Sam, Don't get me wrong, I like the C-17 as an aircraft.  My opinion is that the C-17 has limitations as a Strategic Airlifter.  There is nothing strategic about stopping every 2,300 miles.  Commercially, the AN 124 has its limitations as well.  The lobby from Dequettville is strong and all...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    From what the peolple at Boeing said, it was a Technology issue. 
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    Sam69, MTOW of the C-17 is 585,000 lbs The EOW is 276,000 lbs Max Fuel 180,000 lbs Fuel Burn 22,800 lbs/h That would give us a max payload of 57 Tonnes to get across the Atlantic.  Max Payload is 76 Tonnes (25% penalty)  Yes AR is an option, but very expensive. As for the restrictions, The...
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    Strategic Airlift - We need more than the Herc!

    :cdn:I would like to comment to all those who think that Canada should get its own heavy lift aircraft.   What aircraft should the CF buy?   Most people would say the C17.   The problem with the C17 is its performance, it does not have the legs to get across the Atlantic with anything close to a...