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  1. A

    The Poor Soldier

    is that from all single income earners even ones that work part time? think if we go with full time workers the number is higher and of course it will vary by age.  if you are making 60k at 25 its good but if you are making 66k at 35 which is a sgts pay its far below the salary of others in that...
  2. A

    The Poor Soldier

    just made an edit to my last post but this says median family income after tax in 2010 was 78k. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/famil21a-eng.htm CPLs do not make more than an average canadian.
  3. A

    The Poor Soldier

    well as for the family income i was saying that the median may be lower because most households have 2 income earners in the family and a military life can drastically affect that in a negative way. I was just saying that it would be good to be more in line to other agencies such as the CBSA...
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    The Poor Soldier

    sry i made an edit to my last post i made. i agree the first solution to money problems should be see where you can cut but sometimes that may not be enough and the problem is you don't make enough.
  5. A

    The Poor Soldier

    the fact that the CF is not your normal job and has not just risk and a certain lifestyle, you can be told to go anywhere anytime, as well as you give up certain privileges when you join. well i just wish we were on par with other government agencies regarding pay as the CBSA and RCMP.  or the...
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    The Poor Soldier

    anyone know if there is a going to be a pay raise anytime soon lol, I know sounds like a joke right, but maybe wishful thinking.  also I've always wondered why there is a huge pay gap between officers and NCM's in todays military where the skill level and education level of NCM's are up there in...
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    Aging parents and care

    well i have been worrying about this all day for some reason and it got me worried for some reason, to the point that i had trouble sleeping.  would the cf provide any help for people that are in that kind of situation?
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    Aging parents and care

    well recently a friends situation has got me thinking about my parents and their future more as well as mine.  to begin with I'm worried about their future.  we were pretty poor growing up but my parents worked super long hours and worked their butts off to support us even though funds were...