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  1. W

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Anyone know when the next round of pilots are being selected?  They said the next one is in November (Missed the July23rd date), but wanted a sanity check here.
  2. W

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Anyone get booked for ACS in July? My name was missed after being submitted  in May so they had to resubmit it again. Still no call yet...this happen to anyone?
  3. W

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    Thanks! How long does it usually take from the initial email to confirming the date for ACS? It's been about 2 weeks and I haven't heard any word yet.
  4. W

    Aircrew Selection/ACS (Merged)

    My ACS is being scheduled at the moment (fingers crossed for May 28-30 dates). Did anyone need to bring medical documents to ACS? The recruiter didn't mention any required medical documents but on the website...