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Search results

  1. Kat Stevens

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    And I think to myself... What a wonderful world..
  2. Kat Stevens

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    I don't think that word means what you think it means. I've checked a bunch of dictionaries, and none of them define "crass" as 'ingenious subtle dig at a most opportune time'. You think for one second Team JT wouldn't have unleashed all their hell hounds if the glass slipper was on the other...
  3. Kat Stevens

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    Couple of genuine delighted smiles right there. :rolleyes:
  4. Kat Stevens

    To Sound Like a Leader, Think About What You Say, and How and When You Say It

    ...you obviously ditched the staff meeting.
  5. Kat Stevens

    "Safe" Injection and "Reduced" Harm good for society? Don't think so

    I'm pretty sure DC Comics based Arkham Asylum on the old Riverview Mental Hospital in Coquitlam.
  6. Kat Stevens

    Mendicino's call for RCMP to ban neck restraint not backed up by evidence: external panel

    Bar/street fights have gone from some Friday night recreation to a dangerous proposition. Time was you swapped a few punches till one of you had enough, then you'd go back in the bar and have a pint, now it's knives and guns for bumping shoulders in the street. It's just no fun any more. Plus...
  7. Kat Stevens

    Mendicino's call for RCMP to ban neck restraint not backed up by evidence: external panel

    So, Muay-Thai, then? Less ground n pound and more knees to noses?
  8. Kat Stevens

    [Australian Army] Captain's choice to wear female Army uniform overhauls gender diverse policy

    Forgot to change from his second job paying for a philosophy degree.
  9. Kat Stevens

    The End of the Virtual Land of the Free

    Something, something choices... Something, something, consequences.
  10. Kat Stevens

    Freeman on the Land?

    What's that supposed to mean? :cool:
  11. Kat Stevens

    Petawawa Master-Warrant Officer faces drug and human trafficking charges

    A certain airborne MWO of the RCR persuasion in the 80s springs to mind.
  12. Kat Stevens

    Ottawa seeking ‘impartial’ board members to review military colleges

    I was specifically addressing the need for a combat engineer officer to be degreed. Trust me, when it comes to keeping old platforms running, they are nowhere to be seen. That's down to guys like me. Even less requirement when promoted up and out.
  13. Kat Stevens

    Royal Air Force discriminated in opposition to white males throughout recruitment drive, inquiry finds

    I am randomly selected for extra loving almost every time I fly.
  14. Kat Stevens

    May Day Protests France

    Yup, you need to be honking horns and reving engines to get the full weight of government dropped on you...:cool:
  15. Kat Stevens

    May Day Protests France

    Freeze their bank accounts, that'll show 'em we mean business.
  16. Kat Stevens

    Ottawa seeking ‘impartial’ board members to review military colleges

    Even less reason for an engineering degree if you're going to be promoted out of any sort of engineering roll. It doesn't take a degree to order the red shirts down to the planet on the away team, or makes sure beans, bullets and beer get to where they're supposed to be. There is very little...
  17. Kat Stevens

    Ottawa seeking ‘impartial’ board members to review military colleges

    Those jobs are 90% of a combat engineer regiment's life cycle. The rest is sharpening shovels and axes and sweeping floors, and there was always a paucity of commissioned members around when that was going on. Granted, later in life they may get into a position where additional education is...
  18. Kat Stevens

    Ottawa seeking ‘impartial’ board members to review military colleges

    Over the years I've come to question why officers who take the combat engineer path require a ring. Bridge design? 6A or above NCM Road design? 6A or above NCM ADR? 6A or above NCM Obstacle belt planning? Not really necessary for a degree, look at a map. Obstacle construction? NCMs Obstacle...