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  1. l.viita

    Log Officer and Supply Tech

    Alright! Thanks for the advice!  :salute: I still need to do the physical test and further examinations for visual and auditory acuity. My only fear is the auditory acuity. I know I have a slight hearing loss, but nothing scary. The most frustrating part is that I have had a tinnitus for a...
  2. l.viita

    Log Officer and Supply Tech

    I also saw those informations, but wasn't sure if it applied to switching from NCM reserve to officer in the regular. I do have a bachelor degree already, so I guess in my case that would be with the SCP program.  I still could have left my application for the officer trade but as there was no...
  3. l.viita

    Log Officer and Supply Tech

    I don't know if it's me but I did not find an answer on the subject, and there are only 3 posts on the link you just sent on wether you can apply for the Reserve and Regular at the same time, which is not what I want to do. I want to work with the reserve for the time being, while completing a...
  4. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I realised e-mails were the worst form of communication with most people working in recruiting offices. I think speaking on the phone would be better. I never got replies for my emails, but always did when I called. Sometimes you get emails from certain clerks who are there part-time so that...
  5. l.viita

    Log Officer and Supply Tech

    Thanks a lot for the input! I originally applied as a Logistic Officer in the reserve here in Quebec City, but, although many recruiters told me I had the degree it took for the job, my application was judged not competitive enough. I could still leave my trade choices as it was, but my...
  6. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    There is no clear answer to that... They often told me they'd contact me soon but never did so I called them or went to meet with them only to realise someone, somewhere, didn't do what he/she was supposed to do so it was a good thing I contacted them otherwise my file would have been stalled at...
  7. l.viita


    Hmm, ne prend pas mes réponses comme étant les bonnes, mais voici mes constatations personnelles dans le processus de recrutement. C'est plate à dire, mais ne te fie pas à ce que les gens te disent au centre de recrutement. ILS NE DISENT JAMAIS LA MÊME CHOSE. C'est chiant, mais pour vrai, leur...
  8. l.viita

    Durée du processus de recrutement

    merci!! Je vous souhaite bonne chance à vous 2!! Je vous envie un peu haha! C'est pas pareil la formation dans les réserves. Mais bon! Ce qui m'attriste le plus c'est le fait que j'ai dû appliquer comme membre du rang plutôt qu'officier car n'ayant qu'un baccalauréat par cumul (2 ans en...
  9. l.viita

    Durée du processus de recrutement

    Je me suis fait appeler aujourd'hui pour mes prises de rendez-vous. Ils auront tous lieu le 15 octobre. :)
  10. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I experienced something similar, though they did not close my file. I was told my application wasn't as competitive for Logistics officer cause I studied 1 year in management instead of 3, so other candidates would be offered the job before me. Hope this might enlightened (sp?) a possible...
  11. l.viita

    Durée du processus de recrutement

    Mouin.. Là je suis un peu fâchée... Je sais pas si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer à savoir ce qui se passe avec nos documents une fois qu'on les a remplis et remis à l'unité de réserve... Est-ce qu'ils sont envoyés à North Bay pour les vérifications de sécurité ou le CRFC local? Parce qu'il...
  12. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Recruiting for the reserves is made only by the reserve unit you are applying to, not through CFRC. I think the best thing to do would be to go to CFRC Toronto and have a chat with them, tell them what you have decided. They will be able to tell you what to do about your application  (I've been...
  13. l.viita

    Durée du processus de recrutement

    Félicitations Jowel!  ;D Tu dois avoir vachement hâte de commencer ton QMB! Je suis très impatiente mais bon j'ai dû refaire le processus 2 fois à cause d'erreurs de recruteurs -_-' En espérant que ça débouche bientôt aussi, même si ce n'est que pour la réserve!  (et que cette vilaine entorse...
  14. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Thanks for the advices! :) Well according to the people in charge of the recruiting at the reserve, I have a very competitive application. I'll check with the lieutenant there to seek some more details as to why it seems so contradictory for my studies, but he had an accident on his way home and...
  15. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Well, I missed a few posts since my last login, but here is what I know: 1) sig officer is a closed trade, at least so this recruiter told me via email because of my first application in the regular force (but that might have been because I never sent the diploma they needed because some...
  16. l.viita

    Durée du processus de recrutement

    Que veux-tu dire par date de sélection? Honnêtement il ne semble pas avoir de standards de délais. Pour certains ça peut durer (le processus en totalité) moins d'un mois et d'autres prendre plus d'un an.
  17. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    That would be awesome!
  18. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    Was it for the regular or the reserves? In the reserves, it usually means that according to the informations you filled in your application and from the answers you say in answer to the recruiter's questions, you accumulate a good score. I guess if the score is high, it means you are a really...
  19. l.viita

    Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

    I think you are correct about this. I've also been told, at least for the reserves, that after 2-3 applicants for a trade made their application, they "close" it or won't accept anymore applicants (don't forget it's works by reserve units). I know, for example, that today, after I gave in all...
  20. l.viita

    How to get family on board

    Thanks! So my mother called the Caporal there. I had given him a call first asking if it was okay for me to give his number so my mother could be a bit reassured. He was really nice about it, and well, like I expected, said it's a common thing that happen and it's part of his job. Rest assured...