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  1. R

    Naval Environmental Training Program ( NETP )

    So what I gathered is that its not  as severe as Bmq L and more learning traditions and seamanship am I right? And oh ya lots of rum.
  2. R

    Naval Environmental Training Program ( NETP )

    What is NETP compared to BMQ L ? I am fully trained in the army and transfering to navy so I was just wondering if there is as much C.O.C.K. on navy courses as army. Thanks.
  3. R

    transfer from PRes combat engineer to reg force boatswain

    I have been in the PRes for 3 years and a corporal with the combat engineers,  what courses will I have to take?,  how long are they? Will I be able to keep the rank pay wise? 
  4. R

    Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements

    Hello, I am a Ccanadian combat engineer reservist, my wife has an awsome job offer in St. Louis, am I able to get attached to the American military ?
  5. R

    Combat Engineer Training [MERGED]

    So its looking like I have to redo DP1 no matter what, that sucks. The whole thing is that its in the summer, the busyest time of the year for most companies, would it be possible to just go on a REG F course that takes place later on in the year?
  6. R

    Combat Engineer Training [MERGED]

    Good Day, I was just wondering with the coming changes of the Dp1 course, those of us with mods 1-4 from 2012 who cannot complete 5-7 this year, would we have to redo the entire course next year (2014) or just the mods that we haven't got yet ? Anybody have a confirmed answer ?