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  1. I

    I HATE Waiting

    If you were Arnold in the CF you probably wouldn't even pass basic.  :nod: But I do agree with the wait time. However, depending on the trade its fairly quick.
  2. I

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Well if you had issues with your marriage/family situation I suppose that would be the case, but to be frank, I dont need help in that area. I came here to discuss finances though..
  3. I

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    I've been with her for 7 years and I work shift work midnights and she works days. If it wasn't going to work it already wouldn't have. Thank's for the tip though  :salute: I know it gets better, but I am trying to figure out how much I would earn in my first year after the non-elective...
  4. I

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Well, when I say it isn't enough, it is in a sense. I realize how basic works but basic and SQ is only so long then you need to get a place and I would not be living on base with a partner.. that much I know. I am not a  drinker and not a big cash spender but I work at a crappy job now and my...
  5. I

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Understandable. But I dont make a great income at the moment either and the CF will at least give me a career and something to look forward to as far as advancement. I am just wondering if I ended up in Ontario or Alberta what I reasonably would expect to earn. I have a partner who makes a...
  6. I

    Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

    Hey guys, I have a serious question about pay and didn't want to have to start another thread. The starting pay for a NCM Pvt. is 2751. Is this before or after deductions? As well, if its after deductions, how much would that work out to be? Anyone know? Before someone says ask a recruiter...