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  1. collinscj043

    How scientifically literate are you? Take the quiz

    No worries bridges, your welcome! Despite Wikipedia's rep it does have plenty of well sited and usefull info.
  2. collinscj043

    How scientifically literate are you? Take the quiz

    No, its because the primary composite minerals of the earths crust are composed oxides, specifically 60% SiO2(i.e.sand). Check out the link below for more info. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundance_of_elements_in_Earth%27s_crust http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crust_(geology)#Composition
  3. collinscj043

    How scientifically literate are you? Take the quiz

    That site is reallying annoying it locked up my browser half way through and I had to shut down internet explorer. In concept its a fun little activity but in practice a bit of a time waster. Also, a real measure of scientific literacy wouldn't depend on so many history facts. Sure I know...
  4. collinscj043

    Ask a Nerdy Question.

    In a closed system as described above both the momentum and velocity vectors would be parallel thus their cross product would be zero. Conservation of angular momentum tells us that a system in rotational motion will remain in motion until acted on by some external force/torque. The really cool...
  5. collinscj043

    Ask a Nerdy Question.

    No, not by very much! The signal can be attenuated by dopler-spread though due to Auroral Backscatter which increase at the poles and decreases at the equator. There are no stupid questions! The Frequency change would be extremely negligible i.e. Earth's equatorial speed divide by the speed of...