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  1. P

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'll also be applying for ROTP for the '13-'14 school year. I just wish I didn't have to wait so long before applying. armyguy, if you go to your local CFRO, I believe they can supply you with a list of degrees that are eligible for ROTP.
  2. P

    ROTP and CF application confusion

    And thank you scriptox. You've all been very helpful. Topic can be locked; I've no more questions. :)
  3. P

    ROTP and CF application confusion

    Thanks Bond, I found the section in the application. I suppose my next question then is; do I send the application in all at once?
  4. P

    ROTP and CF application confusion

    Thanks for the answer Blackadder. I've already checked, and the RMC doesn't offer nursing, so I have no choice but to choose a civilian university.
  5. P

    ROTP and CF application confusion

    I'm looking into applying for the ROTP for the 2013 school year, but am a little confused. Does application to the ROTP also extend towards regular CF application? Or is that (CF application) a separate process that should be started ASAP? The website only states that ROTP application is also an...