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Search results

  1. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Just thought I would let you know that the board selection for MSE-OP is July 3rd. I was told also by the Kingston RC that the trade is closed to any more applicants due to the already pending applications that would fill the spot. So you still might have hope. Was your interview and merit...
  2. M

    Graves Disease

    I just wanted to add to this, I have Hypothyroidism and though I haven't had to have my thyroid removed, there is nothing hindering them from applying to the military, I just applied and am also on a steroid for life due to my thyroid and they did not have any issues with this. So from my...
  3. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    It might be a similar question, at that time someone posted about the coarse start dates on the CFLRS website that I didn't know about, so that's great info, but it doesn't hurt to ask if anyone has heard for May BMQ yet, since it's coming up only 2 weeks from now. Just wanted to know if anyone...
  4. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Has anyone been recruited for the bmq starting in May? The board sat April 23rd and haven't heard if anyone has been offered a job lately? Just curious if it's really been quiet since the last bmq start April 30th. Thanks!
  5. M

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Centre: CFRC Kingston NCM Trade: MSE-OP Application sent: February, 2008 CFAT completed: February, 2008 Interview completed: February, 2008 Medical: February, 2008 Additional Medical Reports sent: May, 2008 Position Offered: August, 2008. (declined) Found out was pregnant...
  6. M


    Thank you for the info, have searched the search engine before and never came across anything, also been on the CFLRS website and never found the info you sent ethier, so again, thank you. 
  7. M


    I was wondering if anyone has been called for a BMQ start date in May? I was told that they were hiring for MSE-OP starting April 23, and I see that there are people booked up to April 30th for BMQ, but no one so far for May? Do they take a couple weeks between recruits/platoons maybe? Any...