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  1. H

    few questions about the rmc

    man, why do you have to be that guy.
  2. H

    Joining Canadian army as an Asian

    Eric, I don't want to sound insensitive, but you shouldn't let those barriers get in the way of your career. I'm not trying to downplay the racial disparity in this country, but at the same time I don't think things are that bad. There is inequality in the  world, but that doesn't mean you...
  3. H

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Q1. I was wondering if it was for me. A1. That's a big question. I don't know the answer to that. Q2. Will wearing glasses impact me much in terms of selection of units? A2. I don't think so, but that may also depend on the profession. For example, pilots need good vision, but according to...
  4. H

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    My response is that it depends on what you're looking for in a career? A friend of mine has a university degree from a prestigious school, and he choose to be a NCM. He says it's a pretty rewarding experience, and wouldn't trade it for anything else. But that will differ from person to person...
  5. H

    Other Expenses?

    It definitely isn't my intention to offend anyone. I hope no one took offense to my comment. I simply want to point out that it's not merely a simple matter of common sense. I'll give one last example. A friend of mine works for an oil company up in northern Alberta, and he makes good money but...
  6. H

    Other Expenses?

    MSE OP-HOPEFULLY I don't think my question is unreasonable. In every profession, there might be implicit costs that are involved. For instance,  construction workers can make a lot of money but most of them tend to drink a lot or maybe they have to buy their own equipment. Another example is...
  7. H

    Other Expenses?

    Hi all, So a few posts have suggested that it cost between $500-550 per month for rations and $88 for quarters. Are there other expenses that anyone can think of i.e., What about laundry detergent, soap, shaving cream, and etc? So suppose you make around $2600 as a private cadet or if you're...
  8. H

    Intelligence Officer / Operator

    Just to corroborate what George said. A recruiter also told me that they usually hire people from other military trades i.e., maybe someone used to work in logistics so now they're switching to intelligence. As to your question about requiring a masters for intelligence officer, the answer is...
  9. H

    Level of Clearance

    This may sound very ignorant but what does level 2 or 3 clearance means? Thanks Hal
  10. H

    Inaccurate Information on the Application Form

    Hi, I inadvertently wrote one of my reference's phone numbers wrong in the application form. My question is will this disqualify me? Also, should I call the recruiter's centre? I apologize in advance if this topic has been covered, however, I could not find any similar topics in the search...