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    ROTP 2011-2012

    Good God. I'm so nervous. I applied for the Combat Engineering Officer and Armored Officer positions. As stated in earlier threads, I just feel like I need to stress how important getting your application in ASAP is. I got sent three urine test reqs from my recruitment centre, only to find out...
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    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

        Hey guys, you're going to have to forgive me and my spelling; I just came back from the optometrist and he gave me those eye drops that make your vision blurred, and it's sort of a challenge to read other posts and what I'm writing now. I'm in grade 12 now, just finished my CFAT, Medical...
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    ROTP 2011-2012

    Just got my application in today, CFAT, medical, and interview are all on the 22nd. I applied for Pilot, Engineering officer, Armor officer, in that order. I noticed some people actually have to FLY to their nearest CFRC! Thats brutal! Mines a five minute drive away!
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    ROTP 2011-2012

    Advice taken.  :P
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    ROTP 2011-2012

    And I thought the 30 minute drive downtown Toronto was a big deal... Sheesh... I feel spoiled rotten now..
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    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Thanks. Does anyone know what the policy for laser eye surgery is in the CF? For instance, if i know i have to get it done, would it be smart to do so before the medical? Will i have to wait x number of months after getting it??
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    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Hey guys, I'm in the process of applying for ROTP and slightly concerned about the vision test. First off, I've never worn any corrective vision at all, ever. The thing is, my optometrist told me about 2 years ago, that I have a microscopic scar on my left eye, that lowers the vision a bit. When...
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    If pilot doesn't work out...

    now I feel like a moron.  :-[ But anyways, you have no idea how much I appreciate it! Thanks!
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    If pilot doesn't work out...

    Hi everyone, I just started grade 12 last month and I'm submitting my application next week for ROTP, with my first choice being pilot. I want an engineering trade as a second option, but on Forces.ca there are two very similar trades called Combat engineer and Engineering officer. I watched...
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    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hi there everyone, I'd like to first say that this is my first post, after joining these forums a while ago to gather more info on ROTP. I attended the university fair 2 weeks ago and sat in on the ROTP presentation, and had a long talk with a recruiter. I want to apply to ROTP, but I would...