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  1. M

    The Congo (merged)

    The Congo mission was floated a few months back and the decision was made that it was a frikkin' mess and we need to step back. However, that was based on a desire to get a command. By the time we are out of Afghanistan and the UN comes calling again, someone might be stupid enough to commit...
  2. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    Khartoum is claiming to have closed the border with Libya. Of course they did. JEM, making a whole lot of sense for the first time in a while, basically said the Sudanese Armed Forces don't have the manpower for that. Which, of course, they don't. Khartoum is saying this is about rebels and...
  3. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    Once again reinforcing the fact that Darfur is not exactly the garden spot of Sudan, local independent Radio Dabanga has put the butcher's bill for the tribal violence in the region at over 400. Could mean June will eclipse May as the worse killing in over two years. Add to that, SAF is pretty...
  4. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    Just some more "Southern Sudan is totally frakked" news: it seems that Colonel Gatluak (or Galwak) GAI--the renegade ex-SPLA ex-Southern Sudan Police Service militia leader duking it out with the SPLA in Unity State--was a supporter of Angelina Teny, who got screwed out of the Unity State...
  5. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    And Russia is weighing in on the Cheonan investigation, basically giving South Korea the middle finger. A real gem from the article: Wow. And I thought the Chinese were bad. The only way the Russians could make this conclusion even more insulting is if they said: "there was no possibility that...
  6. M

    Burma nuclear weapons program

    And it seems some people (myself included) are just learning about this. from AOL News
  7. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    So, China is totally playing the hypocrite condemning Israel regarding the Gaza Flotilla with little to no evidence of what actually transpired. Still on the fence about the Cheonan though. Seriously, first the Kim Jong-Il visit, now this--are they trying to look like total dicks? If so...
  8. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    While I can agree to a certain extant with the sentiments, and I can certainly understand them, I have to respectfully disagree that Canada and other western nations have nothing to offer. We have a lot we can offer, and need to offer, if the circumstances provide us the opportunity. While at...
  9. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    Apparently, NKor’s Supreme People’s Assembly will be meeting for the second time in two months on 7 June. This is odd because the SPA usually only meets annually. There might be a number of reasons for this. I’ve seen strengthening the succession and resolutions to legitimize military actions as...
  10. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    SKor fears the collapse for financial reasons. As I recall, after studying German reunification, and considering East Germany was fairly affluent as Warsaw Pact countries went, SKor decided maybe reunification could wait. Like until NKor at least had a functioning economy. As for China, you...
  11. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    And another former SPLA commander has thrown his hat into the ring that is the falling apart of Southern Sudan. A Colonel Gatluak (or Galwak) GAI in Unity state (apparently no relation to Brigadier General John GAI that was originally linked to George ATHOR, but who has since been "unlinked") is...
  12. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    In trying to make sense of the Cheonan sinking, one of the possibilities I posited was "regime destabilization"--an inside job by those who wanted to remove Kim Jong-il, so I'm going with your scenario as at least a possibility. I think that is a little radical for usually conservative China...
  13. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    One would need to go back pretty darn far to find an aggressive Korea. Gochoson (Ancient Choson, as opposed to Choson/Yi Dynasty) and Goguryuh--both predating the first real unified Korean kingdom of Silla--dominated much of what is now northern China or Manchuria. Koryuh, which followed the...
  14. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    Why would a unified Korea remain a US ally? In the long term (if we consider a time frame measured in decades rather than years) there’s no reason it would. In the short term, there are a few factors that I think would tend to support continued Korean alliance with the US. If Korea is unified...
  15. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    I have to say that this post is right on the money. This is why China is going to win African leaders over, and why they'll be the big winners in the resource battle in Africa.
  16. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    I'm actually not in Sudan and I can't claim the honour of wearing a uniform. I don't buy it either, but I don't think the victory was completely "legit." The NEC has already admitted that the video of ballot stuffing on Youtube was, in fact, in Red Sea State and is now under investigation...
  17. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    In my opinion, the only way one could get China on board with reunification is for it to be under North Korea. China does not want a strong US ally right on its border. That's part of the reason why China allows NKor to get away with so much crazy stuff--NKor is a buffer state. That and they...
  18. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    Do you mean the people of Sudan outside of Darfur? Because Arman, the SPLM candidate in the North got around 27% of the vote for president . . . and he had boycotted the election! Granted, the SPLM (Northern Sector) had boycotted too late to be removed from the actual ballot, but still, 27% in a...
  19. M

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    I wouldn't really say things have improved, rather than they have changed. I apologize in advance, but I have a lot I wanted to relate and little time. This is going to be stream of consciousness and off the top of my head. If anyone would like references, I would be happy to provide later. If I...
  20. M

    North Korea (Superthread)

    I would argue that the investigation was for everyone. South Korea wants to dot all the 'i's and cross all the 't's so that if push does come to shove, it has its butt covered. It is looking to go to the UN with definitive proof, not vague accusations. The shelling of Seoul is the first blast on...