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  1. N

    New thread missing

    Oh!  It got moved to the proper location!  Thanks so much :D
  2. N

    New thread missing

    Hi There! I started a post about "You might be in the canadian army if..." and it was going pretty good, lots of comments and comradery... but it disappeared suddenly!  Is there a reason why this might have happened? Thanks Naomi
  3. N

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    Hey everyone! I started a cool thread about "You might be in the canadian army if" but now it's gone!  And it was so funny!  Does anyone know where it disappeared to? Thanks! Naomi
  4. N

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    Actually, when we got married, he wore his DEUs.  Now every mess dinner he goes to, I get all sentimental!!!  I think I will un-cross that one out!  Thanks Jim!  AND when I was worrying about place settings, and decorations, and flowers, he was polishing polishing away!!! And I was only counting...
  5. N

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    And now I read them with a new perspective.... ! Even more of a reason to come up with a uniquely unplagiarized list!  I would not want to accidentally offend anyone!  But some can stay.  Maybe, though, if some people could add some good Canadian ones, it would be much better!!! Here's some...
  6. N

    You know the army is getting into your brain when...

    Hey everyone!  I'm just working on some gift ideas for friends and family this Christmas, and need some help getting the perfect list!  Not being in the army myself, I was hoping for some insight.  Online, all I can find are US army lists... but I think we need a good Canadian Army list.  I...
  7. N

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    I am so thankful for all the help!  I'm a bit old school, and am really looking forward to shaking up with him after the wedding :D  Great advice about the house...  I hadn't thought about it that way!  And what fantastic info on the EMAA!  The info is out there... it's all in who you ask! ...
  8. N

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    The forum didn't tell me another reply had come!  Thank you gentlemen! He's in Gagetown.  Rations & Quarters there are $600.  He's going to be requesting Trenton or Petawawa for when he gets posted.  He'll know in about 4 weeks in theory, and he graduates the class portion on June 26.  I  know...
  9. N

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Thanks so much for the reply!  Except that... I got the acrostics wrong.  He's done Basic, (BMQ), and now graduating from a 6 month set of Classes, though it is OJT in July.  Are barracks then not an option?  (That's his impression). I better start getting better at my acrostics....  lol...
  10. N

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Hello There! My Fiance is to be posted in July to a Canadian Base for On The Job Training, (EGS Tech).  I'm trying to put together a practical budget for us to reach some financial goals, and I'm not sure of what living costs are actually like after BMQ. I've looked around at some of the topics...