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  1. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Bah, I knew it was too good to be true when she said 5 to 10 business days. Thanks for all the other info. :)
  2. Cerulean_Sky

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    I'm aware of all factors that contribute to V5, but unfortunately I am essentially still at the last level before being classified a V5. Any slight shift to the worse can get me to that level. If you don't mind me asking, what's an accommodation? I talked to a LASIK doctor before the...
  3. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I'm at CFSU Ottawa too, and I received about normal first and second paychecks. The only weird thing is that i started with 620 (first paycheck, advanced before orientation), then I was given 619, then my third one was 616. Not sure why it's decreasing by a few dollars each time. And has anyone...
  4. Cerulean_Sky

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    Hello all, I'm an OCdt in the ROTP program (I enrolled recently, this August). I've already been cleared medically, however my vision is -6.50 in both eyes, and as you might know the cutoff for V5 is -7.00. I have 3 years until I actually graduate and am able to start working, and I'm worried...
  5. Cerulean_Sky

    The condom with TEETH: South African doctor designs new female contraceptive to

    Ideally, it would be great if the hospital would call the police to deal with rapists if they show up with the devices. Realistically, in some less developed parts of the world such as Nigeria "some security forces act as if they were entitled to rape local women, and they are sure never to...
  6. Cerulean_Sky

    'Military Mistress' talks about alleged crime spree

    Maybe overly indignant, but hardly feigning it. I have a close friend who was taken in by such a woman. It took him years to heal emotionally, never mind to repair the economical damage she managed to do to him. That someone would insult people in his situation and make it seem that it was a...
  7. Cerulean_Sky

    'Military Mistress' talks about alleged crime spree

    If you think that being taken in by a skilled con artist makes you either blind or dumb, you obviously haven't ever encountered one. (Note the word skilled. I agree that your average con artist is a blind *********** anyone could see through.) These men were taken in because when you fall in...
  8. Cerulean_Sky

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    You should have told him off for littering. ;D
  9. Cerulean_Sky

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Someone's serious about their alcohol. Dumbest thing I heard today: "Brits blame Obama as BP-linked pensions plummet ...“Obama’s boot on the throat of British pensioners” read the front-page headline in Thursday's Daily Telegraph, which added that the president's "attacks on BP were blamed...
  10. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    If anyone else received the wrong set of joining instructions (for CFRC Ottawa at least) it's because they hadn't received the updated set of joining instructions yet when the deadline to send them out came up, and they sent out last years to give us a general idea of what to expect. They'll...
  11. Cerulean_Sky

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    Sure I would! Steak's more tender after it's been properly pounded. Beats using a tenderizer, no?
  12. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    So not only did I get the wrong package, but also for the wrong year? That's pretty hilarious. I'll bring it in when I go sign my contracts, hopefully they can clarify everything then. Thanks!
  13. Cerulean_Sky

    Enrollment with scars [Merged]

    My issue is that I had the physical and they were already overlooked. I'd feel kinda stupid going in just to point them out.
  14. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP after High School Questions

    I most likely do. Sorry, should have checked out the website before posting it. I'll edit the first post. :)
  15. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP after High School Questions

    I think your last question is the best one to answer first. Regardless of what anyone on here tells you, it's still up to the recruiters, so you should definitely talk to them - even if you're not planning to apply to the Forces this year. Recruiters are there to help you, and are capable of...
  16. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    My joining package is really puzzling too. It says orientation period (three weeks), then goes on to state that I'll be at RMC St. Jean from the 2nd of August and won't be allowed to leave the grounds until the obstacle course on the 4th of September... which is more than three weeks. Oh well...
  17. Cerulean_Sky

    Enrollment with scars [Merged]

    Yes and no. I really can't answer that without going into more detail than I'd be comfortable doing on a public board. It's nothing that would medically pose a threat to or inconvenience anyone in the Forces, nor anything that would interfere with my ability to perform any duties.
  18. Cerulean_Sky

    Enrollment with scars [Merged]

    Let's say the medtech and the doctor don't notice them, and you're accepted into the forces. Is there any other examination etc. where they might be noticed? And if they are noticed, are you automatically thrown out?
  19. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    Thank you very much tristismilitis and Heff18, your information was extremely helpful.  :)
  20. Cerulean_Sky

    ROTP 2010-2011

    I was accepted to ROTP 2010-2011, and I'm wondering what happens financially if you fail BMOQ? (either through voluntary release or because you're found to be unqualified) Granted, from what I've read so far, it seems that as long as you prepare physically, do your best, and stick out the hard...