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  1. F

    How the RCR fold their towels

    that was a very interesting video. Now i have a question, is there some kind of history or reasoning behind folding a towel like that?
  2. F

    Favourite Timmies Donut?

    you guys are sick! Old fashion plain is the best! with a black coffee on the side.
  3. F

    Anyone from edmonton joining Reserves-Combat Engineer

    im from Red Deer. thats close enough i think. i will be applying when the combat arms trades open again in April.
  4. F

    Cadet Uniform Prices

    yeah, like everyone else said you will never have to pay for your uniform or its parts. i have been in army cadets for 8 years now and i have not paid a single cent.
  5. F

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I just had a couple questions about selection for combat engineer. I understand that it is a highly competitive trade to get in to right now and i was wondering what kind of scores are needed on the CFAT to be able to apply? from what ive heard the scores are similar to the infantry. Thanks