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  1. WTShields


    I feel inclined to chime in here. Someone that I know quite well works in the stats as a sheriff's deputy. He is a taser carrying unit, and uses Taserhappy as part of his online identity. Shortly after the aformentioned Vancouver incedent, I said to him that he might want to change it incase...
  2. WTShields

    Feb/March BMQ 2010

    To Clarify, They don't want people driving across the counrty. as noted above.
  3. WTShields

    Feb/March BMQ 2010

    Fly out of Edmonton on March 06 aswell, SIG OP. I was talking about going to visit family in Ottawa area  then go to St.jean on my own. When I asked my recruiter about it, she said that I must be here to fly out. She specifically mentioned not being able to drive there. I am not sure if it was...
  4. WTShields

    Basic Up

    Sorry if this has been covered,  not searching 20+ pages for it. Regardless, Basic up and Basic up realoaded can now be viewed on youtube. They come in 3 parts to an episode. Enjoy Will
  5. WTShields

    March 2010 - BMQ - All Locations

    Congradulations ALL !!!!  ;D March 8th , Flying out of Edmonton, Alberta Sig Op. See you arround St.Jean Will
  6. WTShields

    Our Prison Policies Suck

    A little more insight from first hand. In our local Remand center (Interm holding facility) your welfare/ Disability/ GST/ Band money or any other hand out, gets brought to you so you can sign it and have it placed at your disposal in your account. The account can then be used once a week to...
  7. WTShields

    Awaiting the "offer"

    Hello, Aced my CFAT, Changed trade choice to SIGS after xmas, Background checks have been done for ages. I had my interview and Medical  January 9. The Doctor said that he had no concerns and that my file would not be going to Ottawa. He and the Interviewer said that they would have me merit...
  8. WTShields

    The Canadian Corps of Commissionaires

    Hey Buddy, I have worked for the corps out here in Alberta for the last 3+ years. I have worked in several details each pay grade VERY dependant on the duties. The lowest I made was $10.25/hr and am currently working at one of the higher profile sites making $20/hr. recceguy is spot on with...
  9. WTShields

    Sound off: What are you doing right now? Aside from the obvious being on here..

    In my least favorite place (Current JOB) Wondering if will ever get moved from merit list to BMQ list
  10. WTShields

    Feb/March BMQ 2010

    I think that moe is spot on ~ "I also think that when they load people on courses, they try to reduce the amount of time a person might spend on PAT platoon." If they can load a course with one trade then there is no cooling your heels on PAT waiting for your MOC course. I am merit listed for...
  11. WTShields


    I agree with you Gunnar, However I feel that the underlying message remains the same. Should we adjust our ways to seem more PC to those new to our way of life? This does happen in Canada. Sadly
  12. WTShields

    Waiting for Ottawa

    Hello again ,  So I wrote the apptitude test. I was promptly sat down and told that yes the test generates a list of trades that I have the apptitude for, and NO I couldn't see the list. This seems a little backwards to me, as I have had a hard time deciding what I should do. She did however...
  13. WTShields

    Waiting for Ottawa

    Hey All, Sent my forms in and got a pretty quick turn around time. (Work as a Peace Officer, Stayed in  :cdn: , no Record etc.) I am doing my CFAT on Nov 5, and I guess waiting for the new fiscal year as Combat Engineer is closed) The reason for my post is 2 fold. 1) was wondering if I am...