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Search results

  1. F

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Hi all! Just in case this info is useful to anybody...I was originally told by my recruiter that I would most likely not go away to training next summer, given that I were to be selected for ROTP, because I would not have a full acceptance to university by the time the March selections were...
  2. F

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    On that note, if I want to start a family during my contract with the CF (the 64 months long one that is paying back the CF for my school years through the ROTP), am I allowed to? Is there a way to have a child and perhaps have daycare during the days that I work that is provided by or funded by...
  3. F

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Oh wow! I'd love to go overseas. That must have been one heck of an experience! I didn't know that, that CF nurses work with Americans on their own ships. Does that also go the other way around? As in, do American personnel work and live on our ships, bases, etc? It must be due to staffing...
  4. F

    The "Nursing Officer" Merged Thread

    Hi Everyone! I have spent a lot of hours on this site reading about different topics in the recruiting section and have found a great deal of relevant, useful information. Thank you everybody! However, there is a limited amount of info available when it comes to specifics about the ROTP -...