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  1. Kevins833

    Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation: 1PPCLI, 1RCR & 3R22eR

    haha, ya I'll have to stop buy the local surplus store and see if they have any! ;D
  2. Kevins833

    Commander-in-Chief Unit Commendation: 1PPCLI, 1RCR & 3R22eR

    Wicked, When are they going to start mailing these out to all those who released and or went militia? >:D
  3. Kevins833

    School and Infantry

    OldSolduer I agree with your comments. But there are also a good hand full of less educated guys in the infantry as well....Some that shouldnt have been allowed to join...
  4. Kevins833

    Toughening one's feet.

    alcohol? wtf? Just go out and get some decent socks at Marks Work Warehouse. Get a proper insole to fit. And if you really want to go all out, see if you  can get away with  buying some swats...since your not combat arms you will have them for years and you can use them civy side. I would not...
  5. Kevins833

    Best Army Jobs - Entry Level

    Infantry...Everything else you can do a version of civy side for more money.  :D :skull:
  6. Kevins833

    Can I go on Unemployment while in the reserves?

    I got hurt earlier this year and had to go on unemployment. Make sure you follow their instructions to the fine print. I didnt get any payment at all untill the last 4 weeks and i was out for 14 weeks total. Its just like the army. everyone that works in the offices are lazy so dont expect...
  7. Kevins833

    Wanted: Feedback from C6 gunners from there time in Afghanistan.

    For a dismount infantry, It is bang on. no complaints what so-ever, I would even liked to have a couple of them (use them like mags) When you run out of a teaser belt it is difficult to reload and move it breaks alot.  If i were to ever go back overseas i would have 1 on the Gun and 2 spares...
  8. Kevins833

    Canadian soldiers arrested after drunken brawl

    Piper you have no clue.... And your right "something you have never come close to doing"  is all you know.  Hey I have and idea, how bout you do 6 mths stint like they did and come back here and state that its not an excuse. I dont know why this post just pissed me off so much, but i hope some...
  9. Kevins833

    school money?

    ya i hear what you old farts are saying, and i will do that, im just pissed that after all the shit we have to do, and being in the combat arms where there is no civilian equivilent, you would think that the government would have some type of program in place where we get paid to go back to...
  10. Kevins833

    school money?

    Is there any kinda program in place where guys like me who are ready to leave the army can get some compensation for time served. I would like some money for school or some kind of transition program so i can get a job and not be eating dirt for the rest of my career. I would re-muster to get...
  11. Kevins833

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    You know what? That is complete bullshit, i dont know what kinda training u do, but lighting a pack of matches or watching a fucking orange roll up and down a bus or inproperly handling weapon systems like that, and for christ sakes, what the hell is with the music??  one video like that, makes...
  12. Kevins833

    Videos and clips featuring the Army

    :rage: That first video, has got to be the WORST video I have ever seen, it represents the army in a horrible way, I think anyone who has access to that should remove it ASAP.....i just puked in my mouth  :rage:
  13. Kevins833

    Maxpedition Cocoon Pouch

    It looks like a peice of shit in my opinion, , its gonna piss u off to put it where ur bayonette is anyways, no one likes havin a bayonette there when in the prone, and that will come out even further, and snag and pull on shit. most c9 gunners  put shit like markers and flashlight in  mag...
  14. Kevins833

    c6 gear needed badly

    Well thanks for the help boys, Im holding off on the bag for now, gonna see if our unit buys it for us, im having a bag made for my vest for the ammo so i can pull it out asap. and MJP.. Its cosmo man.  ;D
  15. Kevins833

    c6 gear needed badly

    I'm having trouble finding some shit for a c6 online, im looking for the following: an ammo teaser bag like this one https://peosoldier.army.mil/portfolio/sw/csw/M240B_CAP.pdf a british type sling with quick release and one of those forward hand grip peices, i saw one on an american GPMG once...
  16. Kevins833

    reserve life...

    so reservesits only do PT once a week, what type of PT do they do.
  17. Kevins833

    Future Canadian Airborne Capability and Organisation! Or, is it Redundant? (a merged thread)

    When the CAR drew its troops from the reg Inf. units what where their qualification needed to get into the regiment. Was there a tryout type process troops had to go through?
  18. Kevins833

    reserve life...

    Do Infantry Reserve units ever go on exercises longer than 2 or 3 days? maby during the summer time or something?