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  1. R

    August 20 BMQ

    Hey.... BMOQ, August 20th, from Toronto. Nice to get to know people before the course :) I'll try to join the group ASAP.
  2. R

    My Application HORROR story ! someone please chime in

    Hi Micheal, just hang in there! Some do get in early and some do get to wait years. I waited for more than 3 years before my call came in this month. Let me tell you, it was well worth the wait. In the meantime, make sure that you volunteer, participate in group activities or even take up...
  3. R

    Calls to Destroy Egypt's Great Pyramids Begin

    Isn't that what the clerics would want? More disenfranchised and unemployed youth coming under their influence. On the other hand, unemployment and destruction of the tourist industry might help overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood government. Very interesting situation.
  4. R

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Hey, yeah :nod: You're a bearer of good news Ken. Thanks again for helping me not lose hope... Hopefully I'll see you sometime when both our training times collide. Thanks PrettyMaggie63 ! It has been a long road and the prize is now sweeter for it.
  5. R

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Toronto Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer, DEO Plan Trade Choice 1: Armoured Officer Trade Choice 2: Infantry Officer Trade Choice 3: Application Date: April 2009 First Contact: December 2008 Aptitude Test, Interview, Medical: April 2009 [CFAT]...
  6. R

    Armoured DEO 2012 Selection

    Congrats Mate! That's my first choice too... time to hit the gym hard, eh.. 
  7. R

    Infantry Selection Dates -HEADS UP.

    Yes, may the best candidate win. Best of luck to all of you.
  8. R

    Any word on Officer trade numbers?

    Yeah, I your are right, there is still hope. And the summer will make getting into even better shape lot easier and fun. I guess I've waited for 3 years, a few months more shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the pep talk Ken :)
  9. R

    Any word on Officer trade numbers?

    Yeah, the numbers are confirmed 12 for Armour Officer [DEO] and 3 for Infantry Officer [DEO]. These are also the national selection numbers. Sighhh... I've been waiting for 3 years already... It's more of a Lottery now. Best of luck to everyone. :salute:
  10. R

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    I went through the process and as they say, it takes between 6 to 18 months. Mine took 16 months. Make sure that you keep checking in for your file status. I was born in India and at the time of my application, I had been in Canada for 6-7 years. My application for DEO Armored officer and...
  11. R

    Why won't the recruitment centres answer the phone?

    Try calling them early in the morning. I had the same issue and it is because its April and thus, very very busy. Thousands of people are probably calling them repeatedly right now. I called them early morning today [around 9 am, they open here at 8:30 am] and got connected. Hope this helps.
  12. R

    BQ MP not allowed to comment in Veterans Week House of Commons discussion

    I think the Quebecois......... have hit a road bloc... *Sunglasses... exit left...
  13. R

    Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

    That -is- bad luck. I too have been waiting for more than 2 years to get into the Infantry/Armoured officer position. In fact, I too had to go through the whole prove-that-the-allergy-isn't-serious process this year and it took around 2-3 months to clear it all up. By the time I was merit listed...
  14. R

    "Chinese-Canadians Reluctant to Join Military, Study Finds"

    This phenomenon isn't limited to the Chinese-Canadian community. I am of Indian descent and the same implies to us. While my mother is quite okay with my application to the CF, my father is vehemently opposed to it. Most people so not see the CF as a viable career, with the  focus mainly on...
  15. R

    Anyone have an open file right now?

    I applied in March 2009 from CFRC Toronto. The security clearance procedure took a year and now I am waiting for the April intake. I have applied for DEO, Armour.
  16. R

    Bayonets: your essential Zombie killing weapon accessory.

    How about living in a ship moored off the coast? Water all round and I haven't seen zombies making amphibious assaults.  Propelling the ship might be a problem though... no fuel etc. Come to think of it, won't ships, especially subs on sea patrol be protected from a zombie outbreak? How about a...
  17. R

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Seriously, I don't get it... one would assume that a person immigrates to Canada because they love Canadian values. Coming here, and then playing the we-take-offense-to-your-culture card is just pathetic. I am an immigrant myself and I know why I came here, I know what I want and most...
  18. R

    Is this the beginning of the end of the American empire?

    Yeah and moreover, would also the -perception- among the American policy makers that their "empire" is in peril prompt more hawkish measures vis-a-vis homeland security, trade protectionism, more military involvement in civilian affairs (not sure about this) and foreign policy (a more extreme...
  19. R

    Killing Canadians 'best way': student

    It is s**** like this that give immigrants a bad name  >:( Seriously, for a country that has given you so much why the hell can't you show some respect? The Wahhabis and mullahs he supports would consider this idiot cannon fodder at best. 
  20. R

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    From what I gather security checks usually just take a month or so to administer. The only problem is that due to the current security climate, there is a huge backlog of personnel (from a myriad of govt. depts.) awaiting clearance.