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Search results

  1. S

    Medical Assistant - Reserve

    Thank you guys for your replies! It's really appreciated. What I understand is that I have a lot to learn about how everything works in pharmacy in general. What I'll do, I think, is ask a lot of questions during my interships in hospital settings and at my new unit since I'm transfering at the...
  2. S

    Medical Assistant - Reserve

    Thank you, it will be useful. I must admit I'm new to all this. Maybe when I begin to really see what it is all about I won't like it and change my mind, but at the moment what I've read looked challenging and interesting. Therapeutic drug monitoring, Resuscitation protocols, Pharmaceutical...
  3. S

    Medical Assistant - Reserve

    Hi, I had few questions that I tought you guys could answer. First of all, I've been an infantry reservist for 5 years now and I've just transfered to Med Tech (reserve) at the 51e Field Ambulance in Montréal and I was wondering how long is the trade course in Borden? Also, I've been...
  4. S

    How to do a ''camp'' fire during winter ?!

    well guys it was more of a thread about how to do a good fire during winter not really about whether or not we should have done a fire during that  WWC. thanks for the tips though btw, the course I was on ( I'm reserve...well yea :P ) was spread over 3 week ends... 1st : Theory on injuries...
  5. S

    How to do a ''camp'' fire during winter ?!

    Hi, I could have named my thread how to efficiently do a camp fire during winter but anyway. I've always wanted to come around here and ask you guys if you any tips or tricks to help with fires while on a winter ex...or even in civvie. Just to know where I'm coming from, last winter I had my...
  6. S

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    thanks for your reply it is very helpful. I hope it will also help people who are looking for informations about this. p.s.: I went to the recruitment center today. I told them what I wanted to do and got scheduled a meeting with someone next tuesday. p.s.: I'd like to thank publicly The...
  7. S

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Hi, first of all I have searched a great deal recently but I found nothing clear on this so I have few questions for you guys and I hope you are going to be able to help me  ;) 1. I am currently in Primary Reserve here at Rimouski, I heard it is possible to transfer from reserve to ROTP but...
  8. S

    Montreal Anglos almost snubbed

    bah...atferall it's a party for the quebecers , not only the french quebecers...so as long as they are quebecers...that's fine
  9. S

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    honestly... I don't want to be in the crew of the guy who doesn't deserve it :-\ ... especially on the battlefields :2c:
  10. S

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    well...well  ;D if u ask me... hmm more than a Hockey player...that's for sure... You know, it's difficult to define what a good salary is for that kind of job... ??? What about you ? How much do you think a soldier should be earning ?
  11. S

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    1 word :  keshink !! $$$ that's a great news for the soldiers... But I still think that our soldiers are not earning as much as they should. After all, their job is dangerous !
  12. S

    QMB le 15 juin

    Bravo ! :) moi je me suis enrôlé pour la réserve et on ma demandé de partir le 19 mai...et je pouvais pas parce que j'ai 2 examens juste après ( et oui les sciences nat. ils prennent leur temps ) ... donc le caporal-chef ma dit que se serait pour la fin Juin Mais bon pas grave... J'aurais plus...
  13. S

    Métier...oui mais lequel ?

    bien... j'ai mon exam medical mercredi AM... je leur en parlerais a ce moment
  14. S

    Métier...oui mais lequel ?

    bonjour c'est encore moi, Juste pour vous dire que j'ai fait le test d'aptitude et l'entrevue , il ne me reste plus que le test medical. Cependant, j'ai une questions : Est-ce possible de faire son choisir la date de son QMB ? parce que je suis au cegep presentement et j'aimerais pouvoir...
  15. S

    Métier...oui mais lequel ?

    merci pour ta reponse moi qui voulait aller faire mon BAC en science infirmiere pour rejoindre les FC comme infirmier ( sa correspondait beaucoup a ce que je voulait sur la description ) apres ce que tu vien de dire je suis plus sure... est-ce que je peux faire mon BAC et etre engager comme...
  16. S

    Métier...oui mais lequel ?

    Salut, en faite je voulais savoir quel métier médicale sortait avec les soldats durant les opérations sur les champs de batailles ( il doit bien avoir des gens formé a donné les soins qui sortent avec les soldat je peux pas croire) en gros empêcher que le gars claque avant qu'on soit capable...