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Search results

  1. M

    Soldier Body Armour - FPV, BRP, shoulder pads & throat protectors (Merged Thread)

    I'm glad you mentioned the word "scanned" when referring to these articles because they had absolutely nothing to do with having more armour. Obviously you did not even look through it. Quote: The use of body armor was associated with decrements in cardiovascular, balance, strength and...
  2. M

    Soldier Body Armour - FPV, BRP, shoulder pads & throat protectors (Merged Thread)

    I am the medic for the group, and I know the guy sent home. We are filling out the paper work for the proper CoC. This is why I am looking for the document that was done by the americans. It showed that battle injuries did not decrease despite all the extra protection and in fact it increase...
  3. M

    Soldier Body Armour - FPV, BRP, shoulder pads & throat protectors (Merged Thread)

    Im looking  for stats not personal opinions on the kit, some like it, I do not. The weight issue is not from the shoulder pads or throat protector its in general. More weight and attachments does not mean more protection. From what I have seen, the throat protector is incorrectly mounted on...
  4. M

    Soldier Body Armour - FPV, BRP, shoulder pads & throat protectors (Merged Thread)

    I am currently deployed on TF 3-10 and my group of guys is having difficulty with the new shoulder pads and throat protector. It is now mandatory PPE. Now I don't want to seem like I'm bitching but I hate it as well. We are writing an extended memo trying to explain that the PPE does not allow...
  5. M

    BCAS and JIBC

    So I put in my CT a while back and got to the stage of PLAR. I have been waiting almost 6 mos now and was told the reason its not done yet is because labour disputes///contract has expired. Then I was told that someone at the school would be contacted to do the PLAR. SO my question is what does...
  6. M

    What is the order of ROTOs to afghan

    Yes they are but that is why im asking, information can make choices easier
  7. M

    What is the order of ROTOs to afghan

    I do not want to live out west away from my family for however many years and not get a tour
  8. M

    What is the order of ROTOs to afghan

    Could not find after searching, but just wondering who is going on the next rotos after 1 RCR. Wondering because I would like to get a posting to an area that has a roto still to go. Thanks,
  9. M

    Personal stories about EMCA's joining cf

    I actually have my engr QL3 done but I moved to a city with only infantry regt, so i've been doing infantry taskings for the passed 2 years.
  10. M

    Personal stories about EMCA's joining cf

    Well im an EMCA whos been a reserve (infantry) for 3 years and put in a CT over a year ago. All the paper work and interviews have been done. I've been told they are just reviewing my PLAR right now but that's been going for 2 months. Just wondering if anyone's gone through this situation and...
  11. M

    Directions to Meaford from Toronto

    Yes I have tried but the actual area is not on the map only the city of Meaford
  12. M

    Directions to Meaford from Toronto

    I did and search on both the site and and milnet and could not find anything. Im coming in from Toronto and wondering the quickest way. And yes I feel like an idiot being in Meaford tons of times but never with a POMV thanks alot, MAC
  13. M

    Medical Technician - Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled Application

    From my experience, do not believe what CFRC tells you, they are sometimes out of date with current information. I was a reservist that did a component transfer (Pres - REGS) to MED TECH. I was in the reserves for 3 yrs, and qualified as an enigineer. My contract ended up being 6 yrs, with a pay...