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  1. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    It is approved (both paramedic and combat medic). Not sure I have seen it outside of DWAN yet.
  2. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    I think until Med Tech / Med A / Combat Medic / Paramedic digs itself out of the manpower shortage hole they are in then you will not see it. The trades are very understaffed, and it is hoped this new combat medic MOSID will fix that by streamlining the time to OPF. Doctrine is aspirational as...
  3. MedCorps

    Pinball Thread

    You might have the coolest garage of anyone I know.
  4. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    I was talking to someone at work today. I was not tracking but the CFHS paid for a large number of medics to attend the Canadian Tactical Paramedic Conference (CANTACMED) last year. In fact, CAF medics delivered a notable chunk of the presentations and the key note address! It would seem that...
  5. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    In the Res F there will be Combat Medics and Paramedics and both Med A and Med Tech will cease to exist. Once you are trained as a medic in the Res F you can expect to continue to train (both military skills and medical skills), support army units by providing medical support to them when they...
  6. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    The infantry Coy will have 1 x MCpl Paramedic, 1 x Cpl Paramedic, 2 x Cpl Combat Medic. So it could be ether. Both are well equip to deal with GSW / explosive injuries (although the paramedic has a few more tools).
  7. MedCorps

    How can I practice land nav for BMOQA

    Here is how I would train for land nav, assuming I could not wait for someone to teach me... 1) Get a 1:50,000 topo map (where does not matter), Silva Compass in mils: Silva Compass 16DCL-6400 MILS/360 Degrees | MEC (or Suunto: Suunto MC-2/G/6400 - Military mirror compass) and a C2 Protractor...
  8. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    This is the million dollar question - everyone is waiting to see if both, one, or neither of the new MOSID get some sort of Spec Pay.
  9. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    The intent it would seem is to have a quicker, less costly, CAF controlled training pipeline to deployment for Combat Medics. The training from recruitment to QL5 (or RQ Cpl) is too long now for Med Tech and there is a realization that the Primary Care Paramedic skill set is not universally...
  10. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    The new Paramedic MOSID will see Paramedics paid to have their licences maintained. This is the same as other NCMs - MLAB TECH , DENT TECH, and MRAD TECH for example.
  11. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    The problem in the Reserves is that there is no training pathway for someone who is not qualified as a Primary Care Paramedic (or higher) to be trained as a MOSID Paramedic. As such, if you so not hold a PCP / ACP / CCP in the Reserves you need to become a Combat Medic. Although individual...
  12. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    Medics on HMCS will be from the Paramedic MOSID.
  13. MedCorps

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    You will be required to have an EMR course (and maintain currency) as a Combat Medic as that is in the occupational specification. So no fear about getting an EMR course!
  14. MedCorps

    King Charles III Coronation Medal

    Are you suggesting that the death of Nursing Sister MacDonald, N/S Lowe, or N/S Wake who by enemy air bombardment on 19/20 May 1918 at 1 Canadian General Hospital was not a combat casualty? Or the 14 female nurses that died on 27 June 1918 by enemy torpedo (and then machine gunning of those in...
  15. MedCorps

    Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps 4th Field ambulance

    Here is a link to the Official History of the Medical Service in WWII. Search for 4 Field Ambulance and you can follow their journey during the war. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/themes/defence/caf/militaryhistory/dhh/official/book-1956-medical-services-1-en.pdf Will not have specifics...
  16. MedCorps

    The Russian Way of War

    Just finished reading The Russian Way of War: Operational Art 1904-1940 by Richard W. Harrison. (University of Kansas Press, 2001). One of the best reads I have had on the development of the Operational Art and insightful as to how Russian strategic and operational thought developed into what...
  17. MedCorps

    Late Cold War Canadian Army

    Here is a 1991 training video with ORBAT of the day for a Mech Inf Bn: Fun watch.
  18. MedCorps

    Got a offer!!! What can I do in my daily life to prepare for BMOQ and rucking

    You can never go wrong with working on the military classics before BMOQ with respect to fitness. Push-ups, sit-ups, pull-up and running. The more you can do with ease before BMOQ, the easier life will be. Concur with quality advice to get proper running shoes (money very well spent with...
  19. MedCorps

    Cyber operator questions

    Man that dude is always so unhappy. Feel like it should come with an obligatory MEL for suicide watch. MC
  20. MedCorps

    Fallen Comrades (retired members)

    When was he in the HFofC? MC