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  1. StirlingDyer

    Did I miss a step during the recruiting process?

    I had the same issue when I joined up.  No one at my swearing in ceremony, which was two days before our flight to St. Jean, had recieved their joining instructions.  I brought it up and we were all given copies of it on the spot - was just an administrative error.  Ask and ye shall receive.
  2. StirlingDyer

    FAC Teams

    FAC used to be done mostly by Arty but is quickly becoming an Air Force trade again.  The team itself is called a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP), and the two trades that are the meat of the team are Aerospace Control Officers (AEC) (Weapons) on the Officer Side, and Aerospace Control...
  3. StirlingDyer

    May BMOQ?

    The January intakes started on the new BMOQ. I'm on the last 2 weeks of the course right now if you need any info.  It is, put simply, just an amalgamation of IAP and BOTP.  A few people with IAP bypasses were put directly to week 7 or 8 of the course.
  4. StirlingDyer

    May BMOQ?

    IAP no longer exists.  IAP and BOTP have been combined into the new BMOQ course.
  5. StirlingDyer

    May BMOQ?

    Negatory, soonest BMOQ scheduled after May is August.
  6. StirlingDyer


    It's not quite that bad for being swiped, I'm proof of that.  The 7.5 was great :)
  7. StirlingDyer

    May BMOQ?

    Seeing some pretty low numbers being thrown about here... just want to clarrify that the CF is not running BMOQs with 20 people or less. There's 3 English and 1 French BMOQ running right now from the January intake, all starting with more than 50 people.  May and August courses will have the same.
  8. StirlingDyer

    What PC Video Game Are You Playing Now?

    Fallout 2 is my game of choice right now.  Passes the long hours of being CPC or Fire Picket during the weekends at BMOQ.
  9. StirlingDyer


    Be prepared to run until you vomit, then continue running until you go light headed and almost pass out.  Thats when you know you've put in enough effort.
  10. StirlingDyer

    Are the Olympics a waste of time and money?

    Is one of the two "I don't care either way, Canada never wins anyways" options supposed to be different?  I'd like to put in my support for the Olympics.
  11. StirlingDyer


    My unofficial offer just became official today.  Found out yesterday that Toronto emailed back my positive Aircrew status, and got the call today with the official offer. Enrollment ceremony on January 15th, flight out of Vancouver on the 17th.
  12. StirlingDyer

    Any 2009 Resolutions?

    Drink more!  ;D Though more seriously, attempt to have a relationship last longer than 2 months.
  13. StirlingDyer

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Is the DVD you're talking about the one that contains an offline version of the CF Aerospace Control World website seen here: http://www.forces.ca/v3/media/modules/controller/splash.html ?
  14. StirlingDyer

    US Senator dons USAF ABUs/ACUs to do Afghanistan reserve duty

    I'm confused as to whether I should be rolling my eyes at a 5 day political stunt, or giving kudos for him going and seeing firsthand what life is like on deployment.
  15. StirlingDyer

    Chance of AEC ending up in US first post?

    I believe they stay in Cornwall.  95% certain, but I'm still waiting to hit BMOQ so someone with an insider view could confirm that.
  16. StirlingDyer

    What PC Video Game Are You Playing Now?

    My Cheap lil laptop can't play any of the modern games you guys are talking about  :(  Ever tried to FPS on a touchpad anyway?  Not fun. Got myself a months worth of EverQuest recently just to check out whats gone on in the game since quitting several years back.  What a time trip back to high...
  17. StirlingDyer


    All the January BMOQ's are 15 week and won't change midway through.  Thank goodness because that would be a huge headache (for us and staff methinks).
  18. StirlingDyer

    If I don't do it now...

    Sounds similar to where I was when signing up.  21 and had been thinking about the Reserves for a number of years... one day decided "f-it" (sorry about the colorful language but that was my exact thought) and did the online application for Infantry Reserve. That was in late June. By early...
  19. StirlingDyer

    Vancouver Recruitment Center

    The new location for the Vancouver CFRC is fantastic from my perspective.  Still on the Skytrain line so anyone from Metro Vancouver can get there, and those of use out in Mission and beyond have a much shorter trip.  Just made that trip today, beat the heck out of trying to get to downtown...
  20. StirlingDyer


    Just got an early Christmas present from the CFRC.....  I've got an offer on the way! Got the AEC Trade over my secondary choice of MARS as well.  Who knew Santa wore CADPAT?  It'll all be made official next week, but I was able to get some solid dates.  Enrollment on or around Dec 17th, BMOQ...