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  1. C

    Life as an Infantry Soldier?

    i dont know why you guys all bitch and moan. sure the question is asked a million times "whats an average day like" but some people like the re-assurance from others not just from a page. its probably comforting. we would like to hear from your point of views. there is alot of info on joining...
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    A Reserve Application in Hamilton

    i do alot of the same training as you. i live in hamilton and do the wentworth stairs alot and run the paths. i run about 12k right now and ride my bike everyday to work and back which is 16 km for a day. keep at it it feels great to get in shape. good luck!
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    Different MOS's Fighting with Infantry

    im thinking about applying as an engineer as well. looks pretty sick!
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    general questions for infantry

    hey all i am having a hard time choosing between infantry and combat engineer and could really use some help with some unanswered questions. as infantry, where do you go after the sq course? does being infantry automatically mean your going on a tour?(love to go) the recruiting website stated...
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    general questions for infantry

    i just don't want to be in an office all day, i like outdoors physical activity, pushing things to the limit and helping others. so I'm having a hard time choosing what to fill in for my 3 choices. I'm interested in Afghanistan not for medals or to say i went there but to help cause i hate how...
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    general questions for infantry

    hey guys thank you very much for the input.
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    thank you
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    Joining the Air Force, but i dont want to be posted too far away from ontario...

    i would definitely go to a recruiter. your chances of going to where you want are not always there. its worth a shot though! just don't set yourself up forĀ  disappointment.
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    sorry if this is the wrong forum, but i wasn't sure where to ask a question regarding sports. anyways i was wondering if anyone knows if there are cycling teams on the bases? i really enjoy road cycling. thank you
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    general questions for infantry

    hey guys I'm currently weighing out my options about which trade to choose and have come to the conclusion of combat engineer, vehicle technician and infantry. i enjoy keeping busy and often find i get bored easily so i would like to do something i would enjoy as i plan on making this a career...
  11. C

    keeping in touch in the army

    Hi guys i was just wondering if it possible to purchase a laptop in the army or during basic. i have a wife and 2 small toddlers. i understandĀ  i wont have much contact as my duties will come first but if you are able to purchase a laptop for use when you have free time that would help alot! can...