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  1. Exodeus

    SLT living rules

    Visitors weren't an issue when I did SLT last year at the Mega. Overall, the rules were pretty relaxed. Contact the base for specific details, but I wouldn't worry about having a few people over (the rooms are small...keep that in mind!) Enjoy the course! It was a really good time...and it's in...
  2. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    ...I think Gunnar explained what I was leaning towards ‘slightly‘ (more like, exponentially) better than I did with respect to the terrorist attitude...
  3. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    (Oh, I forgot to mention...) By all means, don‘t hesitate to correct me. I‘m not writing by memory here - not that it‘s an excuse for error, but I‘m trying to make the best point that I can without having to spend hours on research. If anything, it‘s better to be wrong. That way I (and whoever...
  4. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    Infanteer, I was refering to the Jihad (the ‘conquering of the infidels‘) Poland was the last ‘drop in the bucket‘, if you will, that caused England and France to declare war. I didn‘t word it quite right in my first post there, but that‘s what I was getting at. My notes said 1938...but the...
  5. Exodeus

    Ever seen a minivan drag a Camero?

    So sad....oh so sad! (but amusing!)
  6. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    Badbird and nbk, I can see where you‘re coming from, but we all need to keep our minds open on this issue. Wes is entirely correct to say that this is a war ‘about radical Islam‘. This is not a ‘normal‘ (if there is such a thing) war - it is a Jihad. A religious war. The objective is to convert...
  7. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    (From Infanteer) I agree with you 100%! That‘s what I was trying to get at when I was talking about our forces being spread so thin. We gave the US and Brittan the square root of nothing (in terms of support). That‘s was what bothered me the most.
  8. Exodeus

    The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

    I think he brings some important issues into the spotlight (well, more than they are already), but his rants are over the edge. His performance (Oscars or Golden Globe awards (?) last year) was unacceptable. I don‘t care who you are or where you‘re from, speaking like that about your nation‘s...
  9. Exodeus

    Spain is pulling out

    Correct me if I‘m wrong, but wasn‘t it proven that Saddam was indirectly funding terrorist activity? (‘Death benefits‘ - of some sort - for the families of suicide bombers) That was one of the reasons for targeting him again. There was an article in the Ottawa Citizen a while back. I‘ll look for...
  10. Exodeus

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I wouldn‘t worry about the CFAT...Get a good night‘s rest and a large cup of Timmy‘s right before the test and you‘ll do fine! Just keep your mind open! Remember that it‘s not a test on what you know...it‘s your ability to learn!
  11. Exodeus


    Chalcey, DEO stands for Direct Entry Officer. What university are you at Trey? I‘m at the University of Ottawa.
  12. Exodeus

    Robotic legs could lead to super troopers

    I don‘t really see how accepting technology is a problem. Like wongskc said, tanks went through some incredible changes and look at what we have today! The same applies to helicopters (DaVinci invented his model waaay back). Now they‘re flying tanks. The ‘communicators‘ from Star Wars (3D...
  13. Exodeus

    Common Army Phase

    Other than physical training, do you have any other preparation advice for CAP? Is there anything posted online like there was for BOTC? I‘ll be in Gagetown this summer too.
  14. Exodeus

    2nd language training

    To ‘skip‘ the Second Language Course, you need a B-A-B (oral-writing-reading) on the placement exam. Best of luck! -Dave