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  1. Stumpf

    Word association (just for fun)

  2. Stumpf

    Word association (just for fun)

  3. Stumpf

    Word association (just for fun)

  4. Stumpf

    Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

    Hey there, I really don't have much experience but I'll do what I can. I've applied for the high school co-op for this upcoming semester myself, so I've been doing as much reading as I can, hopefully someone with more knowledge will come along to confirm or clarify my statements. Does anyone...
  5. Stumpf

    Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

    Just a quick question, has anyone who applied for the Feb-Jun 09 semester get a call back from the recruiting centre yet?
  6. Stumpf

    QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

    Hmmm, Quebec Colonialism anyone? Or maybe there just planning on offering assistance to some of those Latin American countries?
  7. Stumpf

    This Guy Is Where He Belongs!

    I find it really quite sad that any human being could come to that. Killing his wife? His son? A baby girl? Supposedly ripping out their hearts? And than tearing out his eye-balls and eating them? Thats a horrible thing for anyone to do. I have to wonder what could send a person that far over...
  8. Stumpf

    What Was/Is Your Biggest Obstacle?

    Push ups, I had to take the Physical Fitness test twice (I'm going for reserves) oddly enough I find it easier to get up and practice my PT now that I've passed the the test than before I took it... That and my parents, I'm 16 and they didn't want to sign off on the forms, but I fixed that...
  9. Stumpf

    Thinking about joining Cadets

    No, its all target shooting with (I believe) air powered pellet rifles. Theres not killing involved or training to kill. Associating cadet marksmanship with combat service is like associating driving a smart car with driving a Leopard MBT. You mom has more to fear from you getting your drivers...
  10. Stumpf

    Thinking about joining Cadets

    Well, from my personal experience I'd tell you that Sea Cadets is... pointless. Wasted a year of my life doing that... really really pointless. Go to a classroom once every week and learn about what? What a CIC officer does... why would you care? We went up to Base Borden in the winter once, we...
  11. Stumpf

    London teen dedicated to peace

    I'm in London and frankly, this disgusts me. If they come to my school they'll be in for a real fight. I wish it were possible to overdose on weed, then these guys would all be hospitialized at the very least.  :P
  12. Stumpf

    Reservist Parade Nights

    I'm also entering the reserves (Either 4RCR or 1H, can't quite decide yet.) I was wondering what exactly new recruits DO on training nights? I think 4RCR has an Untrained Platoon so I would be in attendance. But I have it on good authority that "you don't overly exist in 1H until you've finished...