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  1. Ontario


    I dont think they wanted Eric to know the real reason for him being Roberts aide, but when he found out that it wasnt the reason they didnt really bring it up as much. His sentence was really harsh though, life, and 23 hrs of solidary confinement a day. He did show the Gov't that they need to be...
  2. Ontario


    Anyone see the movie breach? Its about Robert Hanssen, and his arrest. I thought it was great.
  3. Ontario

    Flying feeling

    Thanks for the video ark, ill never be a pilot. I have a very weak stomach.
  4. Ontario

    Flying feeling

    If in training and you do get sick from flying, can you get realeased? or at least transfer to a new MOC?
  5. Ontario

    Flying feeling

    It is weird, but reason I'm asking is i don't like that stomach feeling that much, i really would love to be a Pilot, but i need to know everything on it.
  6. Ontario

    Flying feeling

    When flying a CF-18 do you lose your stomach, like on roller coaster? If not how does it feel, are you pushed in your chair, do you start feeling sick?
  7. Ontario

    Maine independence groups??

    Cape Breton doesnt want independence it just wants to be its own province.
  8. Ontario

    Maine independence groups??

    Are there any Maine independence groups? Split as it is completely off topic for your original thread. The Milnet.ca Staff
  9. Ontario

    Best Prime Minister

    Wheres Mackenzie King, or Robert Borden.
  10. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    EX-DRAGOON i do know my history ask me anything on the world wars ill tell you anything on unification ill tell you. Just because you dont agree with me doesnt mean im stupid, just beacuse i cant spelkl on the computer doesnt mean im stupid, sometimes i press a key and dont realize because im...
  11. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    In toronto theres like 4 infantry regiments.
  12. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    The qualified resvesits would go to 1 of the other 4 regiments in the GTA, the other regiments out west/east could be put into another regiment. There have been many disbanded regiments since the 50's that could be raised again. MIdget then they dont go reguler simple as that. Ill admit i was...
  13. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    No its you guys who arent.
  14. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    Midget WTF are you talking about, if there loyal they ll go regular along with there regiment. They ll go if they really love the regiment, if not they can stay back. If you follow the thread Ive mentioned they should open a base close to Toronto so there not leaving there family. Kat i dont...
  15. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    Yes theyd move from Toronto. Unless a base could be built near the city. Each base should consist of a battlegroup. More bases means the military would be more spread across Canada bringing the military closer with the local population.
  16. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    George im talking infantry hear, as i said in the first post of this topic you would have to add in the armour, artillery,etc. How can they earn honours in modern times. Do you actually beleive theres going to be a war where we have to mobilize our military. Even if theres a WW3 our gov't would...
  17. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    Most i said they were never regular battalions, but it doesnt mean there not allowed to become one.  ;)
  18. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    My question was what happened to the way regiments used to be. Then i just said if we went back new  honours could be earned by regiments. The only regiments that can earn new battle honours is 3, PPCLI,RCR, and the Van Doos. If we went back 9 could earn more honours. But anyways the main...
  19. Ontario

    Old regimental system

    Whatever happened to the old system in which each regiment was a battalion, what made the PM do this. I think we should go back(people are proobably rolling there eyes because im still talking about the "old"way)because wouldnt it give regiments a chance for more honours. All youd have to do is...