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  1. G


    Sorry To clarify, wheter or not my medical condition (Gout) would keep me out of CIC just depends on the severity etc. when they do the medical. The other information I was told by the CFRC in Winnipeg was that in order to qualify for CIC I would Have to be a CI for at least a Year and get a...
  2. G


    I did finally hear back from the CFRC about this and they say basicly the same as everyone, it depends. They were able to tell me that I need to be a CI for at least a year though before I can try for CIC. So I'll have to make some phone calls to see if any of the Cadet Corps Here in Winterpeg...
  3. G

    Medical came Back from Ottawa

    They gave me 3 reasons The Gout that I take Allopurinal for, my triglycerides were a few points high and my HDL was a few points Low. the killer of it all was I wasn't on any meds for the gout until the CFRC sent me to get the forms filled out by my Doc and she noticed my Uric acid level was...
  4. G

    Medical came Back from Ottawa

    Unfortunatly the main reason is I have Gout and take a Daily med for it, it is possible that in a few years I may not have to take it anymore but no way to know for sure.I'm going to look in to CIC or at least try for a CI position with a cadet corp, If I can't get in I at least want to use what...
  5. G


    I recently was stopped from Rejoining the Reg Force due to a Medical Problem, I'm assuming this would also stop me from joining CIC but I was wondering if it would also preclude me from being a CI or CV. If I can't get back in I would at least like to use what I know to help others towards thier...
  6. G

    Medical came Back from Ottawa

    Army says no so I guess that's it for me thanks all and good luck to everyone.
  7. G

    Mystery Cap Badge

    Isn't that the cap badge of The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen? Sorry couldn't resist, Hope there is a Ren and Stimpy fan or 2 around that might get that. ;D
  8. G

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    It will be interesting to see what happens I know the CFRC put me in as a semi-skilled enrollment, I was a Med A in the Reserves and was going Armour in the Regs before. When I started my enrollment the PO doing my medical was looking at all my records and thought it was strange that I had been...
  9. G

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    LOL yep classic Hurry up and wait. If my medical ever comes back from Ottawa I'm going to have to report the Ulcer I'm getting waiting for it. ::)
  10. G

    Basic Training - Once For Life

    I'm in the middle of trying to go back, waiting and hoping my medical will clear.I've be out for more than 10 years I almost hope I don't get a bypass I would rather go through it again and have everything fresh in my mind.
  11. G

    MedTech is thinking about trying a cigar! Any suggestions?

    Cohibas are nice, expense though. One of the best cigars I ever had was in mexico at the resort I was at they had a small cigar shop that once a week had a guy sit out front and hand roll cigars very nice. If your just looking to try something inexpensive look for Pom Poms or Captain Blacks.
  12. G

    My first video attempt

  13. G

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    On my PRes BMQ they tried to feed us this horrible boiled Kolbassa it was so hard that it couldn't be cut with my combat knife. I also use to laugh my butt off when one of the girls on course who was a vegetarian would always be given a double serving of what ever the meat item was. I think the...
  14. G

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    While doing a comms course, we were working off scripts doing radio work one of the messages to be transmitted was for Sunray minor to meet up with Sunray at a GREY BARN grid ref to follow. One of the guys on course was asian with a heavy accent. Alpha 11 this is Bravo 11 message over Bravo 11...
  15. G

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    In the old days for MILCON out in Wainwright, A female new recruit standing on the neck of the Base Commander with a FNC1A1 (Said it was old) pressed to the back of his head screaming "don't you Fing move" when he "popped" in to our Hide one night.
  16. G

    Would I be pushing my luck?

    Assuming I get back into the CF I have a pair of Advancer V12 goggles with the prescription inserts from being a Vol. Firefighter. Would bringing them along to BMQ be a bad idea. I don't want the instructors to think I'm being a smart-a**. But in Field conditions they would make a difference...
  17. G

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    Having Room! called when some of the guys had just got out of the shower, One poor guy standing at attention butt naked having the Female Mcpl tell him in a heavy french accent that next time he would show her his buttocks. (she wanted him to face away if he was naked) Learning Drill with a...
  18. G

    Worst choice..quitting the forces

    I was quitting because of personal life stuff not because of the military. The WO pointed out that leaving the military wouldn't change any of the problems, and he was right and I should have listened. But as they say Hindsight is 20/20
  19. G

    Worst choice..quitting the forces

    Same here I VRed almost 15 yrs ago because of a bad choice, I wasn't smart enough to listen to a very wise WO at the time. My parents were getting divorced and my grandmother had passed away and the woman I was with hated the army. My WO at the time said quiting wouldn't fix my parents or bring...
  20. G

    Medical headed off to be Reviewed

    Thanks for the advice folks.