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  1. mwhy321

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    There are 2 MPACs coming up in March, but both appear to be for OT/CT pers
  2. mwhy321

    How do I go about requesting a OT

    Yeah a valid TOS is required before a OT will be considered (You need a contract that will get you through the trades trg and enough time for the military to get some sort of return on the OT). I'm sure if your clerk is on the ball, your TOS offer is already with the leadership ready to be offered.
  3. mwhy321

    How do I go about requesting a OT

    Its your contract. You need to sign a new Terms of Service and your next contract is either an Indefinite Engagement 25 years or a Continuing Engagement 4 years. You should have been offered it already by your Tp Leader if your current contract is expiring
  4. mwhy321

    How do I go about requesting a OT

    Firstly in order to do an Occupational Transfer you need a valid TOS. Did you have you been offered your CE? Because that would be the first step. After which then you would start by submitting a memo through your CoC and completing the OT application. Since your a combat trade your only...
  5. mwhy321

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    They may already be Cpls without their QL5, but don't forget they in all likelyhood have more time in trade and at least 3 years of service and more likely closer to 4 years.
  6. mwhy321

    Court Martial discussion (merged)

    Could be several things -Claiming IR or LTA benefits if member claims spouse resided elsewhere. -Claiming Parental benefits Obviously has to do with some sort of fraud
  7. mwhy321

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    I've lived in NS, all be it its been several years, but if things are so much more (which in reality they aren't $631 more), then why no PLD for Greenwood or Sydney?
  8. mwhy321

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    Back to the original topic of this conversation. PLD of $631 for Halifax?????? Can someone honestly with a straight face argue its $7000 more a year to live in Halifax then the NCR?
  9. mwhy321

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    Got my msg yesterday for the MPAC 7-9 December.  Unfortunately the military has me "Preoccupied" with something else at that time. Hopefully there is another in January
  10. mwhy321

    Anybody Going to BMQ Jan 29 07

    Can't explain it. All I know is I got a 11 hour bus ride compared to the 3-4 hour ride to St-Jean
  11. mwhy321

    Anybody Going to BMQ Jan 29 07

    Very true, same content, just different scenery
  12. mwhy321

    Anybody Going to BMQ Jan 29 07

    yeah i'm actually from Ottawa and yeah St-jean is full is the reason.
  13. mwhy321

    Anybody Going to BMQ Jan 29 07

    Yeah, I'm reg force and my BMQ is in Meaford. I was surprised myself when they told me
  14. mwhy321

    Anybody Going to BMQ Jan 29 07

    Yeah I'm going to BMQ for Jan 29 07. Where abouts you going? I'm going to Meaford.