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  1. FuzzyLogic


    Age and gender are critical to this matter.  The single most suicide prone group in Canada is young adult males.  That's why any comparison of CF suicides to Canadian suicides must compare gender and age in each group.  Since most CF are still male ... and relatively young ... then the target...
  2. FuzzyLogic


    Interesting compare and contrast: CBC says that the suicide rate in the CF is three times the national average ... TheStar says the rate is lower than the national average.  Somebody is spinning: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2008/04/soldier-suicides-compare-and-contrast.html
  3. FuzzyLogic

    USA Sec Def Disses RC-S Forces COIN Capability?

    Peter MacKay: Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay on Wednesday played down criticism of the capabilities of NATO troops in Afghanistan by US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, saying Gates told him the remarks were reported out of context. Noting that Gates praised Canada's military...
  4. FuzzyLogic

    Worst Recruitment Ad Ever

    Wow ... that's a winner. 
  5. FuzzyLogic

    Worst Recruitment Ad Ever

    A reason not to join ... at least the Ruskies: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2008/01/worst-recruitment-ad-ever.html
  6. FuzzyLogic

    Hard Hitting Ad

    I thought you might enjoy the following recruitment ad ... it's for the Royal Marines.  Some ads try to entice; this one tries to scare away all but 1%, or like it says, "99.99% need not apply": http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/05/girlie-men-need-not-apply.html
  7. FuzzyLogic

    3 German Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

    Hmmm, still confusion on this: Forbes has it at 11, while International Tribune has it at 3 as of 2 hours ago. We should know the exact amount shortly I'd imagine.
  8. FuzzyLogic

    3 German Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

    http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=a2heF4CwY3k4&refer=europe Commentary: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/05/eu-prima-donnas-take-hit.html
  9. FuzzyLogic

    DEU Wants USA to Change Tactics in AFG / Germany Knows Best

    Funny how those who refuse to get their hands dirty, always seem to have the most to say: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2007/05/ap_afghanistan_backlash_070514/ A load of opinion on this can be found here: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/05/german-finger-wagging-almost-too-much.html
  10. FuzzyLogic

    Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah reported KIA??

    Jack Layton, "Who to negotiate with ... who to negotiate with ... I keep losing my negotiation partners!"
  11. FuzzyLogic

    Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah reported KIA??

    Dadullah's last video: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/05/dadullah-dead.html
  12. FuzzyLogic

    Danes Sending in Leopards- Satire

    The Story ... along with some satire: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/04/stunning-escalation-of-war.html
  13. FuzzyLogic

    Canadian and American Medics in Video

    Great vid of Canadian and American medics in Afghanistan: http://cjunk.blogspot.com/2007/04/canadian-and-american-troops-saving.html
  14. FuzzyLogic

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    Paul McGrath of CBC has said that the interview will be posted to YouTube in a few days.  I'll post the url as soon as it's up on YouTube. It'll be great to share a genuine Canadian hero with the world.  YouTube has already given the Canadian soldier a forum to show his stuff ... and so far...
  15. FuzzyLogic

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    NOTE:  :crybaby: The interview with Paul Franklin has been rescheduled. It will be now be airing during a prime time special of The Hour 9pm on March 27th. :salute:
  16. FuzzyLogic

    All Things Paul Franklin (merged)

    Master Cpl Paul Franklin is doing an interview on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos this Thursday. The interview will air at 11pm on CBC television. In case you don't remember Paul Franklin lost both his legs in a suicide bombing that killed Canadian diplomat Glyn Berry last year. If...
  17. FuzzyLogic

    Afghanistan: Why we should be there (or not), how to conduct the mission (or not) & when to leave

    The Cjunk piece is a parody ... but very close to the truth.  It's intended to make folks think outside the box ... Think Like a Taliban.
  18. FuzzyLogic

    What Does it Take to "Know" What You're Talking About?

    CdtBosn: I agree. The military depends almost more on Canadian positive public opinion in order to win in Afghanistan than it does on armed skill.  Yet, the public gets a jaded picture.  The reality, especially in a minority government, is that public opinion is king. So, if you were a...
  19. FuzzyLogic

    What Does it Take to "Know" What You're Talking About?

    Frankly, it wouldn't take much for Canada to begin "choking" on Afghanistan.  We had our finest moments last summer, yet public opinion for the mission dropped as a result ... the winter has been quiet ... and public opinion is up.  Iraq is a different kettle of fish ... but Afghanistan is as...
  20. FuzzyLogic

    What Does it Take to "Know" What You're Talking About?

    I personally am concerned that our Harper will do a Bush ... that is do the right thing, but not sell it.  The Bushites have been incredibly bad at communicating their intent and what they are doing and accomplishing.  If Harper doesn't communicate clearly and loudly what the CF is doing at all...